... for the same logical reason they tell individual Witnesses to refrain from building / purchasing a home on this side of this system of things ...because in all likeliness it won't survive Armaggeddon. What's good for the goose....
this topic is a couple years late, but i just wanted to get this off my chest.
i don't understand why people say that the society starting a project that won't finish until 2017 means that the end can't come until then, or that they don't expect the end before then.
this isn't a very logical line of thought.
... for the same logical reason they tell individual Witnesses to refrain from building / purchasing a home on this side of this system of things ...because in all likeliness it won't survive Armaggeddon. What's good for the goose....
armageddon is happening oh my god!!!
my tv is crashing and flashing its about to quit, i should have known the great tribulation started a few months ago when the tv started acting up.
all the warning signs and yet i didn't notice....woe is me and my gnashing of my teeth, i may miss the game on tv tonight, its so much worse than revelations said it would be.
Sometimes if you live for the future too much...you miss the present.
Jehovah's Witnesses ... robbing lives since 1879.
I've spotted a few.
armageddon is happening oh my god!!!
my tv is crashing and flashing its about to quit, i should have known the great tribulation started a few months ago when the tv started acting up.
all the warning signs and yet i didn't notice....woe is me and my gnashing of my teeth, i may miss the game on tv tonight, its so much worse than revelations said it would be.
They said earlier on that last memorial might be our last memorial .... remember?
is science simply a powerful tool, or must it also dictate adherence to strict secularism?.
science must not impose any philosophy, any more than the telephone must tell us what to say.
- gilbert keith chesterton.
Ontology - The nature of reallity.
is science simply a powerful tool, or must it also dictate adherence to strict secularism?.
science must not impose any philosophy, any more than the telephone must tell us what to say.
- gilbert keith chesterton.
Is science simply a powerful tool, or must it also dictate adherence to strict secularism?
“Science must not impose any philosophy, any more than the telephone must tell us what to say.” - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Sure, in theory most science lovers will agree with that. But, as we all know, many science champions will readily dismiss theists - even though many among these also embrace science - as "anti-intellectuallists". Is this fair? Isn't this also some sort of belief system in the tale that science has all the answers? What's your opinion?
i have a 2500 word essay due next tuesday, so i shall be invoiced until then.
and, i already have been turned upside down.. even though there are set topics for the main essay, it is possible to negotiate for an essay on a subject of personal interest.
i'd been thinking about the development of leadership in the early christian congregation, so i asked my lecturer, if i could write on that.. he asked me for a brief outline of what i was thinking, so i reviewed my early thoughts - that jesus primarily had left no clear instructions (because he was expecting divine intervention and the restoration of the kingdom), but he had trained his disciples in missionary work - which i interpreted to mean that jesus expected his own ministry to continue, to provide the judean people with continued guidance, modelled on what he (jesus) had done.. but as christianity developed (and the expectations of jesus remained unfulfilled) a different model developed and i wanted to explore the model we see developing in the nt (think pauline) and where that model came from and then transformed into the monarchial model with bishops.. .
I'm reading a monumental work on the history of Christianity:
"Christianity - The First Three Thousand Years", by Diarmaid MacCulloch.
Very interesting reading, although obviously a perspective of a non-believer. I'm troubled by the shortage of cross references to other scholarly works, though. Nevertheless, a recommended reading so far.
no longer a ms ........................... can't give details atm, for it might be a dead-giveaway and it ain't quite over yet.
but, it really taught me one thing: if you're trying to fade or stay in, trust no one.
and i mean no one.. eden.
All I will say for now is that this is all the more surprising as the "close person" I have mentioned before that turned me in to the elders was precisely my wife.
no longer a ms ........................... can't give details atm, for it might be a dead-giveaway and it ain't quite over yet.
but, it really taught me one thing: if you're trying to fade or stay in, trust no one.
and i mean no one.. eden.
no longer a ms ........................... can't give details atm, for it might be a dead-giveaway and it ain't quite over yet.
but, it really taught me one thing: if you're trying to fade or stay in, trust no one.
and i mean no one.. eden.
Thank you Kate.
We have more family "in", and I won't pursue getting them "out" - I'll just let our example influence them, if they allow for that.
For me, the important ones to free were those in my own household. Accomplished!
Of course, we now expect plenty of peer pressure from family, friends, elders and whatnot as we're quite "visible" in our circuit.