I take it that "worth" refers to POTENTIAL gains IF there were ads in it. I could be wrong though...
i looked up the estimated revenue of jw.org using http://www.siteworthtraffic.com/ and was shocked at the results.
not only are they saving money on printing psychical books/magazines, but they're also making a tidy sum romtheir "free" website created and maintained by volunteers.
i spoke with a jw recently who was very proud to tell me just how good their website was and that they provided it free of charge.
I take it that "worth" refers to POTENTIAL gains IF there were ads in it. I could be wrong though...
some thoughts on meaning, human nature, and the initial difficulties of learning ttatt.. .
it's not just the fear of the wild, the untamed, or the untraversed regions of the mind that drives jws to seek shelter in the dim and dark citadels of their ignorance - seemingly protected from the insoluble mysteries of their universe.
but it's also the fact that the winds of reality can, at times, be cold and harsh and can rain storm and thunder upon everything they thought they knew.
I feel that two forces are at play here:
FEAR is the ultimate driving force behind every person's adherence to an organized religious belief system. Deep down inside we fear death, chaos, insignificance, solitude, suffering, and our personal weaknesses. Various organized belief systems in supernatural beings offer comfort answers to these fears; sometimes, paradoxically, by exacerbating those fears.
GUILT is the other force. It operates similar to marketing: First, create a need where there wasn't one; then, offer the product/service to satisfy that need. Take, for example, Christianity. By telling people they are hopeless sinners, Christian religions create a need for redemption in the eyes of the divinity. Once that need has been created inside people's minds, religions offer 'products' [Christ's ransom, for example] and 'services' [mass] performed by specialized agents [clerigy], in order to address the guilt of being a sinner. Guilt is exploited further by tying it with fear, as a system of reward / punishment is established to ensure that the believer is kept inside the flock [heaven vs. hell ; eternal life in paradise vs. eternal anihilation].
well, i have been lurking on this site for several months and i recently decided to join as a member.
i have made several observations and would like to make a few comments.. first, i am perplexed by the attitude of many on this site that are either former or active (but apostate) jws.
they seem to have a strong hatred for the wts and also for rank and file jws.
You know, looking back, even though some rather caustic comments were squared at me by Cofty, Cantleave, Entirely Possible, Adamah, Focus and others, it turned out to be for the best. Once the dust of outraged indignation settled, I could quietly go back and ponder on them. I wish to say to you guys, thank you for challenging me. It has helped me to develop my own critical thinking skills and re-evaluate my entire belief system, even the one that I temporarily attempted to develop. Also, a fond mention of Leolaia, Blondie, Barbara Anderson, JGnat, Terry and Marvin Shilmer. We never had much exchange, but your posts have been of enormous value to me. Thank you.
I still don't know where this trip will ultimately lead into - if anywhere - but I sure know damn well where I never want to go back to. We may never agree on certain things, but at least we agree that we have been deceived, abused, exploited and cheated on by this religion who turned us into religious addicts for life. I suspect that, even when we leave it all behind, a stain will always lurk in the dephts of us, ready to lure us back. That is something that, like someone who has overcome substance abuse, we will always have to keep under check. But in the meantime, to you all, my deepest respect and thank yous.
do we understand these three words: worship, idolatry, and blasphemy?.
most christians have a vague notion of worship, idolatry, and blasphemy already, but.
a clear definition is necessary.. we must take care to differentiate, however.. how the words appear in original language and how they are defined today might be at odds.. ____________________.
the time has nearly come to switch over to the new forum software.
of course it's not completely finished yet (and never will be) but i think it's good enough to go live with and probably already better than the current one.
i'll give you a quick overview of what to expect and post more detail about the changeover process later.. cloud platform.
Simon, let me ask this (I haven't tried it yet, but it came to my mind):
Is it possible to search something like this:
"Threads where I posted + and xxxuserxxx also posted + on 2014"; or "threads that I have started + xxxuserxxx participated + keyword XYZ"
(sorry, not a programmer, but I think you understand what i mean)
during one of those meetings that took place before my jc, one of the elders, who was a good friend of mine back then and used to come up with a few outlandish personal views about some teachings, attempted to counter one of my arguments like this:.
eden - "well, if the truth doesn't change, why is it that what we teach as 'truth' has changed over the years (several examples given)?
how can we dogmatically claim at any given moment that we have 'the truth' if our teachings keep changing?".
I suppose the logical conclusion of this Elder's logic is something like this: 'Don't run ahead of Jehovah's organizational chariot, for, even if you happen to correctly antecipate the next future move, at present time you are wrong and God's organization is right.'
You can't win, ever.
well, i have been lurking on this site for several months and i recently decided to join as a member.
i have made several observations and would like to make a few comments.. first, i am perplexed by the attitude of many on this site that are either former or active (but apostate) jws.
they seem to have a strong hatred for the wts and also for rank and file jws.
Heisenberg, I was once a carbon copy of you. Nearly a born-in, Elder, delivered parts in Assemblies, etc. I was utterly convinced that I belonged to the uniquely special people who had the truth about God and his exclusive aproval. I've lead a moral life. I snubbed 'wordly people' and believers of other religions. I could debunk every 'false teaching' using the Bible alone and had all JW chronology in my head. I led others into baptism as JW's. I never made friends outside the religion. I thought apostates were but fools and weaklings. I believed Armaggedon was around the corner, and I really cherished the prospect of living forever in an earthly paradise. I even thought that, even if the JWs had the prophecies all wrong, living the JW way of life was still the best life you could lead.
This religion took about four decades of my life. I recognize now that this religion deliberatedly caused my ability to think critically to be seriously rudimentary, incipient enough to be useless in seeing through the doctrinal lies, deceptions, and obfuscations promoted by the leadership of the Jehovah's Witnesses. I'm still learning to use my critical thinking, well into my 40's, and feel ashamed it took me so long to wake up from my coma. Like most ex-JW's the more I distance myself from JW-land, the more I see the absurdity of it all, especially the doctrinal framework that pervades every aspect of the life within the Organization and how it is used to control the individual Witnesses and erase them as individuals, making them mere cloned parts of a massive, Orwellian society.
Our ill-feelings usually aren't directed at the rank & file Witnesses; for the most part they tend to be really nice people who try their best to live up to what they believe to be 'Godly Standards'. We get frustrated because they, like most of us once, act as douchebags simply because they've been indoctrinated to believe they're special and above the rest of mankind. But then we remember that most of them don't know any better, they don't know how to be any other way. They are like a tree that grew up twisted and deformed by the wind.
However, the leadership, the Governing Body and those up in the organizational ladder don't deserve any kind words. They ought to know better and they actually know better. They know what they're doing. Whether they have become 'prisioners of a concept', or simply cogniscent conmen, these men deserve to be considered criminals, harshly criticized and opposed. They directly impact the lives of millions, and with that comes great responsability. They must be accountable and their actions thoroughly exposed. They don't deserve special reverence just because they claim to be "brothers of Christ", when their actions indicate otherwise. Sure, this also applies to many other religious leaders, but this forum is about the Jehovah's Witnesses, as I'm sure there are other forums about other religions. We gather here because this is our common background and we discuss what we have been through.
That said, welcome to this forum.
if you read jw literature, the world has been progressively getting "worse and worse" since 1914.. is that really the case?.
for a more rational analysis, look here:.
a few highlights:.
The 'post-roman system' ... what in the world are you talking about?
Are you talking about the Western Civilization or the entire world? Can you tell the difference? Because, for all of Americas, Oceania, sub-Sahara Africa and Eastern Asia there was never a 'Roman' era to begin with. And what form of "Roman" system are you talking about? The Kingdom period? The Republic? The unified empire? The dual empire? The Roman empire of the east? Don't BS me with the notion that Charles Magne revived the Holy Roman Empire - because if you do, then you just as well need to be coherent and admit that the Roman papacy is still to this day a continuation of the old Roman Empire. Oh wait - you can't, because it would render the 'post-roman system' notion invalid.
SC, you have bought into the whole JW reinterpretation of world history, where only the tidbits that seem to fit the prophetic interpretation aren't ignored and presented as 'evidence' to support a certain Bible view. I used to do the same, and thought I was very smart [because my average school mates and work mates didn't care s**t about these matters and every JW I knew would never research anything beyond WT literature]; but that all changed when I started seriously researching outside WT literature. Now I realize how willfully ignorant I used to be. I still have a lot to learn, about so many things - I wish I had the time for everything, I wish I had valued education even more when I went to University - but, for all my incipient knowledge, I'm proud to have quit being the willing ignorant. You too should try that. It's both humbling and liberating.
no, not armageddon, silly.
santa claus.. http://www.noradsanta.org/.
You had me ...
... at 'hello' :P
jehovah's witnesses now owns a major apartment complex in the town of fishkill.. tenants say they've been told their leases will not be renewed.. the sale of the 250-unit rivercrest luxury apartments closed dec. 3, the deed on file at the dutchess county clerk's office shows.
while sale price is not stated, the transfer tax indicates a transaction for $57 million.. rivercrest is a modern development west of route 9d just north of beacon and was a project of avr realty, which also developed other housing and commercial spaces in that area as well as projects in eight states.. the sale deed is between rivercrest development llc, based in yonkers, and watchtower bible and tract society of new york, inc. as the buyer.
This is very telling that the WTS isn't short on available cash.
Also ...250 units. I wonder if they will put there the old timers that will be curbed from Bethel until they die.