My wife "woke up" because of the paedophile issue. When she spoke with her mother, a devout hard-core Witness [as my wife had been until then], said that it was all lies spread out by apostates. Then my wife pointed out that the information she gathered came from respected news outlets, not apostate websites. Again, her mother said that the media was biased against the Witnesses and the Organization, was being used by Satan, the journalists were lying ... then my wife pointed out: "But I remember clearly that, every time there were news about cases of paedophilia within the Catholic Church, you would nod and say that it was evidence that they were a false religion. So, what gives? The journalists are telling the truth when it comes to the Catholic Church, but are telling lies when it comes to the Jehovah's Witnesses?"
"Of course they are", she said. "Do you realize that what you're saying makes no sense at all?", my wife replied. "Satan is obviously driving the media to badmouth Jehovah's people", she replied.
Cult mentallity at its worst.