we keep getting watchtowers and such saying the older men need to train younger men to take over. The issue is with this is that most of these older men were in this position as younger men and they never thought the system could last this long.
Not only that, but in the past when those elders were relatively young, they didn't think ahead about who would take over as they got older and less capable, and as the problems they had to deal with got worse. I know of several situations where elders kept overlooking young men as "not ready" for years, until those men moved on, either leaving the Org, becoming too busy with family and job, or in some cases becoming sick or otherwise no longer able to be considered. Now those ageing elders have the dilemma that the 'supply' of potential servants and elders is drying up, just when 'problems' in the congregations (family break-ups, depression, financial pressure, etc) are getting worse.
And it's not as though they weren't warned. Those WT articles you mentioned aimed at elders have been coming out every so often for years, saying they should train up younger men. But they didn't do it, probably because many of them were comfortable in their position and didn't want younger men challenging them.
The whole elder arrangement has been a cosy men's club in some congregations, and a fiery rivalry in others. Either way, in those situations, there would be no incentive for established elders to admit 'outside' younger men into it.
And if you set the bar so high that even say, a single instance of a young man "confessing" to viewing porn or some other youthful hi-jinks meant he was not considered for years, it's no wonder the Org is facing a crisis.
This is very good news for any men who are physically in but mentally out and who are appointed because they don’t have to come off they’re appointed MS or Elder they could just stay on and keep saying no to any assignments they are given unless they feel occasionally they might want to do some of the assignments
Indeed. I know of a number of MS and even a couple of elders who are rarely at meetings, only give a short item every month or two (maybe Gems or one of those 5 min ones before the book study), and apart from that are rarely seen or heard (never commenting in meetings or being seen at groups during the week). It seems you can only lose appointment now for being proved to have done something 'bad', or if you ask to step down. You cn always give ill-health or stress as an excuse. And with no need to even state your ministry hours if you're not a pioneer, it's even easier. Fine by me!