I hope Simon won't mind, but out of curiosity I got to digging back into the oldest available posts to see
1) what topics might be relevant and worth revisiting after many years, and
2) how the members of 'old' discussed them.
This is an interesting one which I think is worth commenting on with fresh thoughts after a 23 year gap.
How different do you feel things are in the org for singles and single parents now compared to the late 1990s and early 2000s when this was originally mentioned?
Of course this comment by the OP is still true:
The Society's advice for pioneers to marry pioneers, or for sisters to look for brothers with "titles" appears to throw more snags into the equation.
Based on my own experience in a UK inner city congregation, there were indeed a quite a few single parents in the congregations some years ago. They seemed to fall into three groups:
1) single parents who were bible studies or recent converts, and so had not been witnesses at the time they had their child(ren);
2) single parents who were baptised witnesses and had got married and had children but then divorced, been widowed or abandoned by their partner;
3) single sisters who had either left the org for a while and got pregnant while "in the world" or had got involved with someone while in, had a bit of the old "fornication", been reproved and now had a kid to raise.
But it seems to me that in the last 5-10 years these numbers have fallen. The studies and/or recent converts have mostly drifted away. The single sisters with one or more children have either moved out of the circuit due to cost of living in the city (and/or possibly also left the JWs altogether) or they are now alone as their children have grown up and mostly, once becoming teenagers themselves, have not stayed in the congregation.
In a couple of cases the children have stayed as witnesses, but have moved away to marry and/or join other congregations, often foreign language or abroad. It seems children of single parents in those situations don't want to hang around in their 'old' congregation, probably because they were watched so closely by everyone while growing up and want to be more free now as adults.
Anyone else have any thoughts on this? It seems people are either desperate to get married, or desperate to get out of their marriage.
I don't feel there are as many "desperate to get married" as there used to be, but that could be because the congregation I'm in is ageing and many of the singles have been that way for several years and I suppose are kind of settled like that or resigned to "singleness" now. I also don't sense the degree of interest in socialising with other JWs that there was before COVID struck, which used to provide internal opportunities for finding a mate.
Finally, I think the below comment from Roamingfeline is sadly still very true, and probably a major reason why I see fewer single parents in the congregations these days.
For those of you still attending meetings or around active JWs, what are your thoughts and observations where you are?Single parents in the "Truth" are made to be very lonely, as they are never invited to the couples' homes since they don't fit in, and they are not allowed to be with "worldly" friends without being shunned. So it is an extremely lonely position to be in. A huge struggle and you never fit into any niche.