JoinedTopics Started by Uncanny
I am no longer a Ministerial Servant
by cocolocoii inyesterday was announced that i was not longer a ministerial servant.
to be honest i felt really good about it.
i literally was tired of been pretending.
No Invalid Baptisms
by metatron infrom what i gather at the service dept., there is no such thing as.
an invalid baptism.
they defined it out of existence.
If modern day JW could stone apostates would they?
by nojw86 invia "new light" of course.
would they truly follow it as scriptual bashing of evil ones forsaking their god jehovah, all this old light changing into new light makes one go hmmm........regards nojw
Help with my study
by Kiwi ini have a study tonight from the "united inworship book".
page 9. having a problem understanding how you can "draw close" to someone who only comunicates with you though an organisation.
Angels and the Preaching Work
by Focus inthe following idiocy may be found at http://www.cinternet.net/~rsmith/pages/illlink4.htm.
angels and the preaching work.
angels are busy today as before (acts 8: 26; rev.
Get a Life!
by Farkel inimho, there is no ad hominem worse, no ad hominem more denigrating, and no ad hominem more evil than the expression "get a life!".
i've used it myself in the past.
it's a quick and down-and-dirty put down.
So Whats Driving You To Make Posts?
by Englishman inwhy do you bother to post on this site?
what good does it do you?
what do you gain from posting?.
H20 Thinks Biggest Is Best.
by Englishman inwhen i first posted on this site, there were, i think, around 300 registered users.
now the number of registered users is about to reach 1000 in the very near future.
over on h20 the numbers have decreased, but the community owner, rick, appears to be mesmerised by the idea that it is still much bigger, and biggest is best, as this excerpt from a recent post shows:.
Joining the Tribe
by Uncanny ingreetings to all lurkers, posters and friends,.
like amazing, i, too, just saw farkel's h 20 post about the plusses of this forum and have decided to move camp or switch horses in mid-stream.
there is only room for one jw forum in my life, and after scanning the list of familiarly warm and fuzzy names here today, i feel like i've come home.. thank you again to farkel, surely, our own marquis de sade of anti-watchtower words.
This is what the Society does to people
by rem ini found the terse, typed letter displayed above sitting on my microwave oven when i got home from work a few months ago.
it was addressed to me from my best friend and brother-in-law of many years.. a couple of days before we got into a discussion over "what was wrong with me.
" i had recently grown a goatee that he thought was extremely 'unchristian'.