Well, I appreciate everyone's replies. To be honest, when I got on my computer this morning I expected to be slammed for the most part. What a pleasant surprise. Thanks
I do want to address a few things that were said, and I have to do it before I go to work, so I will not be writing another novel [hopefully].
Carmel wrote> Now! Can you in fairness give attribution to Islam? What was its contribution to civilization? I think many would be surprised to see the list especially in the fields of higher math (algebra, etc) medicine,
I am sure that I could. My point was not to say that other religions have not done good or advanced societies. My point was to refute some common misconceptions that I see in the thinking processes of many on this board. i.e. that Christianity is responsible for more bloodshed, yada, yada, yada.
Crownboy wrote>Of course, they've been no wars fought over "atheism" that I can think of, and I can think of many wars where religion is involved
Please refer back to my original post. Were wars fought 'over' atheism? Not exactly, but were they fought over the desire to promote it? Absolutely! Lenin, Stalin and Mao Tse Tung are responsible for killiing a combined total of over 100 million [of their own] people, all trying to promulgate their atheistic ideals [or lack there of]. To say that you cannot think of any wars regarding atheism is flawed IMO and contrary to the facts.
>>(BTW: Hitler was a Christain).
You see, it is comments like this that make me realize that few are familiar the teachings of Christ. Jesus said you would know HIs followers by their love. Hmm, something about killing 10 million people (6 of them being Jews) makes me think that the person in question is lacking in the love department. If you read Matt chp 13, you will see that the world is going to be filled with false converts, that God will weed out on judgement day. Anyone can say they are a Christian, but you will know the true ones by their behavior. To assert that Hitler is a Christian reveals to me that there is a serious misunderstanding about Christianity. If I go murder people and say that I am a Buddhist, does that mean the teachings of Buddha make people cause bloodshed?Of course not. Never judge a philosophy by its abuse.
1 John 4:20- If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen.
>>And like it or not, Uncle Penn, Christianity's treatment of women and children and minorities is no better than that of any other religious group.
Really? Ever flip through the channels and come across some program on the treatment of women in the middle East? Where the women have to walk 10 feet behind their hubands and their camels are treated better and respected more than women are? I think you made too broad of an assertion. There are many many cultures even today that treat women like dirt. Missionaries often go into cultures and teach them that women are equal in the sight of God.
>>Advances in the social and cultural humanities are taking place RIGHT NOW among ALL walks of life,
I am not saying that isn't so. My point was to refute some prior assertions. Thanks for responding.
Liberty wrote>>The same could be said of an individual, a person could be a Morman or a Moonie and that person may be brilliant and ethical.
Yes, many people of many faiths have done good. I wrote this because when Jesus gave the great commision to go into all the world, by doing this it has changed the way the world is, at least to some extent. You cannot refute the fact that in Africa, there are 500 languages that have a written form because of Christianity. It is a fact. You can say this or that about it, but all I am trying to do is give factual information about what the teachings of Christ have done for the world. I am not giving you my opinion.
> I'm sure you can now see the fallacy of your theory that Christianity is responsable for our culture's advancements.
No! I am not sure what you mean! I gave information and I gave references. Everyone else is making vague remarks about how other cultures and religions do good too. That's fine. I am just trying to defend the teachings of Jesus and provide information whenever possible. Gotta run:) Thank you everyone for responding. I enjoy our dialogue.