Ken P.
having prayed to 'jehovah' all my life i feel a little strange right now as whenever i use that name i think of being a witness and i don't really want to have those associations.
also it seems that friends and family think its a big deal that the borg has taught us god's name and we ought to be eternally grateful to them for that alone!
however, i have suddenly realised that even though my mother has a 'name' i always call her mum and would never dream of calling her by her 'name' as i wouldn't feel as close to her, so i starting to just call my creator my heavenly father - i do know a christian who calls god 'daddy' but that is just a step too far for me just now.... thoughts?
Ken P.
some believe that things happen to you for a reason...................that you are being told to slow down, or get fit, give up spending hours on the internet.....................i think you get the picture.. so i dont know what yesterday was all about but here goes..............i parked up in the petrol station, got out to fill up and thought i'd lock the car (as i needed to get bread and milk from the mini supermarket attatched to the petrol station - sainsburys for uk readers)..........so i am happily filling up the freelander with diesel when the darn thing starts to roll forward..................aaaggghhhh..............panicking i dropped the pump on the ground try to open the front door (which i have locked) then i am trying to get to the remote but the keys are in the petrol cap making it very awkward to get to..............meanwhile the car is still slowly rolling toward the pay kiosk and on its little journey blocking the exit path for other cars.............eventually i get it open and pull on the hand brake (our other car has an automatic hand brake ........so being a dumb blonde i forget sometimes).
i then returned to filling the diesel tank up.............aghast at the amount of diesel that had slopped down the side of the car.......................got in the car reversed up a bit to allow the exit path to be clear and went into pay.
next i had to stand in the queue for 10 minutes because the person on the till was on the phone to the police because somone else had filled up before me and driven off without paying..................eventually i made it back to the car and drove off...........only to hear this loud grunching noise coming from the underside of the car............it sounded like i had a bike stuck under there..............so i pull up in the middle of the road in front of some traffic lights and get out to inspect..........back, front, sides and nothing showing........so back in the car up to the lights (which change on me just as i am about to cross and i am now nervous that the car is about to disintegrate around me so i stopped past the lights, but had not gone across the road and i cant see the lights so i dont know when its my turn to go).........fortunately there was a car behind me so when he started to move so did i...............but still it sounds like i am dragging half the steel industry around with me.......so i pull up again..............which is when i notice the little green light on the display area blinking madly at me.........................in my haste to pull the hand brake on i had managed to switch a fourwheel drive/steep incline button on................the problem was soon resolved.. so what is life trying to tell me...........................should i get a bike or maybe a horse?.
Don't feel stupid, things like this happen to us men too. I was in line at the bank drive through and there was ice on my windshield wipers. I was going to quickly step out and clean it off and the door shut. It automatically locks when the car is in drive and running so I couldn't get back in. The car started to creep forward and I had to get in front and hold it still. I had to yell to the man in front of me to help me. He let my car creep up to his bumber to hold it still untill I could find something to put under the tire to hold it still. I had to call someone to get the car unlocked so I could get back in. I told the woman in the bank I would never laugh at something stupid a woman did ever again.
Ken P.
lets see they slaughtered the indians that live on this land, wiped out the buffalo which starved many to death, put them on reservations, reduced many of them to poverty.. and now the us government has the biggest military in the world that cost its tax payers plenty and no government health care.
kind of makes you wonder if freedom is just a 4 letter word with dom added on.. not only that but they have spent trillions$$ on weapons of mass destruction, they have the biggest stock pile of nuclear weapons that can kill all life on earth several times over.
and if i refuse to pay my taxes because i don't like the government is wasting so much money on the military, i will get thrown in prision, and if they want to they can use the patriot act to torture me, refuse me a fair trial.
I don't like the way the government is going now, but without it I would be living under a bridge somewhere. My pension was insured by the government and my social security is paid by the government(sorry, by the working people) so I have to give some credit to it for keeping me going, since I'm seventy-one now. They have wasted most of our SS payments and it is supposed to run out in 2020 I think.
I do think it is being run by big business and most decisions are directed by them. Mankind has been stupid most of it's existance so what else can we expect.
Ken P.
I respect the soldiers but not the ones who start the wars without having to fight it. If they could stop the killing in those areas it might be worth the effort but it will never happen.
Ken P.
i am in need of a copy of the nwt of the "holy" scriptures (hahahahahahahaha!
) also, i need a copy of the "proclaimers" book, the "aid" book and the "insight" book.
this is for a new project of mine, and i haven't done a new project in over a year.. anyone willing to send any of these to me will make me grateful.
What's wrong, you got tired of playing the piano? I have a copy of the aid book but like the color blue in my book shelf. If you really want it I will save for a couple of months so I can afford to pay the postage.
Ken P.
i pretty much don't think much of christendom.
but why do christians insist on holding such an unholdable position with the trinity.. the bible i agree holds proof for both trinity and nontrinity positions.. i still don't get why that christians other than catholics would hold such an untenable position as god came down to earth but didn't, and he prayed ( talked ) to himself a lot.. .
i remember a comedy sketch were some kids were stumping a nun in catholic school with question on the trinity and the eurachrist..
Can anyone prove they have found the real creator or God? I have seen no proof other than what some religious person says he has felt emotionally. I don't think God has revealed himself to humans in any way that can be proven. Please show me if you can?:??? I would like to see any proof of God other than nature.
Ken P.
if the end is so close as they told me then why?
why did they build all those new buildings up in bethel costed millions first of i wanna know how they can afford i thought they were a none profit so how you end up with millions ?
how can they afford to pay the superentendents (rent them cars , pay there meals , lodging) where does this money come from rent stadiums for assembly's i wana know why those bigshots in bethel drive nice cars when jesus walked and the one time he rode a mule not a horse a mule !
Darn, why did they pick a place with my name, Patterson? I had nothing to do with it.
Ken P.
i go just to please my wife and the people there are friendly and it gives me something to do on sunday morning.
it also gives me a first hand view of what religion is like for some people.
it only last for about an hour.
I'm back from church. He is a good preacher if you believe what the bible says but I have a hard time believing it. He talked so much about the cross and what Christ went through so we could be saved. He talked about blood and how it was poured out for us.
I just can't view God as an entity that would be so tied up with blood. Thinking about the story of Adam and Eve, why would he be so dependent on them doing exactly what he demanded and cause billions of humans to die because of that little mistake. Then when Cain didn't give him blood he cursed him. Then he didn't mind spilling the blood of hundreds of thousands of humans because they didn't follow him as a nation. Then he required the blood of his own son so he could forgive humans. Then he made the followers of his truth be persecuted and die for him. I just can't seem to get it. I was reading 1 Cor: 4: something about Paul's saying that we can't use our head to try to figure out God but must believe what he said Christ said and just have blind faith that it's true.
Ken P.
i go just to please my wife and the people there are friendly and it gives me something to do on sunday morning.
it also gives me a first hand view of what religion is like for some people.
it only last for about an hour.
I go just to please my wife and the people there are friendly and it gives me something to do on Sunday morning. It also gives me a first hand view of what religion is like for some people. It only last for about an hour. I also see my daughter sometimes there and enjoy being with her. I let her chose her own view on religion, haven't really talked to her about her view of God, whatever makes her happy is OK with me.
Ken P.
the first few years after i got my head out of my jw ass i assumed that worldly associates would be fascinated to hear of my escape....wrong.
most of them looked at me like "what the f--- are you talking about?"...
"who cares?
It's kind of strange, my best friend since childhood was a worldly guy who had a religion and we didn't discuss it at all that I can remember. We stayed together during our teenage years except meeting nights. Recently I mentioned that I had quit going to the KH and he suggested I start again to keep my relationship with God. He didn't suggest I go to his church. Religion was always a personal thing with us.
Ken P.