JWs have their Universal False Organization, so I guess I believe in UFOs.
Ken P.
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recalling my days as a jehovahs witness i recall the watchtower society or jehovahs .
witnesses explaining away the phenomena of unidentified flying objects as something .
JWs have their Universal False Organization, so I guess I believe in UFOs.
Ken P.
what is the real reason why kingdum halls don't have windows?
to people on the outside looking in that is just too wierd and very cult like like they have something to hide.
wasn't in the 80's when they started to build them without windows?
The one they built here a couple of years ago has windows.
Ken P.
anyone on here from the grand strand of south carolina?
The last time I was there was about 33 years ago on my honeymoon. I usually go to NC beaches now.
Ken P.
a gem from barbara anderson:.
millerite adventism and fred franz.
I remember the excitement of Fred's speaches at the assemblies.
the excitement that the organization felt during earlier times - like the '53 and '58 New York all-JW's-in-the-world-assemblies
I was at both of these assemblies, I met my JW wife at the '53 assembly and married her in '57 and attended with her in '58. I was 22 years old then. We divorced in '73 and I faded out of the "truth" over the next several years. Wow does time fly by.
Ken P.
this sunday at 11.00am i am going to take a jw to a church service at st marks luthern church in yonkers ny.she is 28 years old.
she was born and raised a jw.
she has never been in a church in here life and is so brainwashed that she thinks saton lives inside.
I went to a Luthern church for a friends funeral. There was too much ritural for my taste. I liked the priest, I had installed a computer for him in the church as a favor for my friend that died. He seemed a friendly man and we laughed about some things.
Ken P.
i think i will stay around the house a bit today.
catch up on some video games...yes i'm a videogamer..or at least i try to be.
I'm going to celebrate my daughter's birthday, she turns 30 today.
Ken P.
i was mowing the yard this morning and as usual i was thinking about life and such.
there were weeds with pretty little flowers and some cherry trees trying to grow.
i just mowed them down because i like the way grass looks better.
Vernon, you are right on the money. I don't have the slightest idea of the orgin of the universe or why it's here or what will be the end of it all. The explainations of religious people don't seem to be anymore logical than the atheist. Life is here and I have enjoyed it so much but it's running out soon now for me and I just am not sure what to expect. Like most humans I wish it didn't end but don't know what kind of story to believe about a God and a hereafter. Right now the only thing I have seen is death ends it all. The human mind can't conceive of something not having a beginning but everything we see has an end.
Lately I can't seem to get really interested in things like I did most of my life, a sort of depression I guess. I'm doing my best to cope with it.
Ken P.
recently, a former witness expressed his opinion to me that he knew more than a few witnesses that were gay.personally, i know of a bisexual ex-elder who was unhappily married for a few years.
now he's "out", pardon the pun, of the organization.
i know of a newly appointed ms who is married to a sister but most people suspect he is gay.
There was a brother who moved to California with his grandmother and a little while after he moved went gay. This was about 50 years ago. His name was Douglas Sharp. He dated my cousin once or twice. He seemed a little gay to me before he left but never acted on it before he moved away.
Ken P.
i was mowing the yard this morning and as usual i was thinking about life and such.
there were weeds with pretty little flowers and some cherry trees trying to grow.
i just mowed them down because i like the way grass looks better.
I was mowing the yard this morning and as usual I was thinking about life and such. There were weeds with pretty little flowers and some cherry trees trying to grow. I just mowed them down because I like the way grass looks better. I thought about God and how he mows down humans that he doesn't like and lets his grass grow (the Israelites) and cuts down the pagan nations, because they gave human sacrifices to please their Gods. Hell, that was my idea he thought, and I'm going to make my son be the human sacrifice later. Oh, hell, seems lika a good idea too so I will keep bunches down there too and never let them die, just sacrifice forever.
He thinks, my yard doesn't look very good so i'm going to dig it all up and make a new earth, and since the sun doesn't shine too well on it I'm going to make a new heaven too.
I think I'm going sort of crazy lately.
Ken P.
today at the watchtower study,they said that marriage counselors encourage folks who are having issues to divorce..is that the stupidist thing that youve ever heard?
like,how many of them have gone to marriage counseling lately?.also the thing about the man being the head,the decision maker,that aint'jus' aint'a settin' right w/me...so,i assume if i get reinstated,i cant be an elder?like,because i dont have a penis?..um,hello,its 2007!!
My penis has died, do you think I could be a better overseer now???
Ken P.