I build and fly model R/C airplanes too bigdreaux. I used to sail model R/C sail boats in regatas around the south but haven't done that lately. My brother has several battery powered models and they fly great. Have fun.
Ken P.
hello folks.
just a little continuation thread of another one i did.
would be interesting to see what fun things people like to do, so we can get to know one another better.
I build and fly model R/C airplanes too bigdreaux. I used to sail model R/C sail boats in regatas around the south but haven't done that lately. My brother has several battery powered models and they fly great. Have fun.
Ken P.
hi guys,.
we are several people sharing this new account.
we hope you don't mind.
They wouldn't have this test because they wouldn't get any applicants to Bethel.
Ken P.
in "observadors" thread, http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/141584/1.ashx a poster named "on the way out" mentioned being baptised at a ymca pool.
(thanks for the thought, "otwo").. has anyone else had this experience?
is there a way to find any documentation on this?
I was baptised in a YMCA pool for my second JW baptism, the first being 7 years old in a creek..
Ken P.
ok most of us here on this board (including me) have got our grumbles with the wt for various reasons but please consider this:.
if you came into the 'truth' from the world at whatever point on your life and and have since then left the 'truth', do you think that you are a better person now than before you joined?.
I don't really know. Who knows how I would have been raised without being in a JW family? I don't think it helped much morally, and it hurt me financially. My wife is a worldly woman and I don't think you could find a more honest and loving person. How would you know for sure?
Ken P.
his name is jehovah.. he is worshiped by 6.5 million moronic, self-centred, selfish idiots.. he likes what happened at the twin towers because his organisation has shown us images of this happening the world over when he simultaneously murders over 6 billion people.
even though this is repulsive to most right thinking individuals, it is his justice & his witnesses look forward to it and love him for it.. filth!
absolute filth!.
If you believe the holy book, it will just be another flood type destruction with fire etc. this time. Don't you love him for cleaning up this world? Maybe it will work this time.
Ken P.
this lady was working where i first went to work in 1955. she had a son my same age and was friends with my aunts.
she would fix me lunch everyday at home and bring it to work and we would eat together, along with one or two other workers there.
she wasn't ever a jw.
This lady was working where I first went to work in 1955. She had a son my same age and was friends with my aunts. She would fix me lunch everyday at home and bring it to work and we would eat together, along with one or two other workers there. She wasn't ever a JW. I went by to see her a few months ago. I just saw her obituary in the paper, she was 91 years old. Not too many old friends left. My best friend when I was young has a birthday tomorrow, 71 years old. Time sure flies.
Ken P.
or at least in my dreams.
have you ever had a dream so real that you had to call people or do a search to find out if it was a dream or not?
well, this happened to me.
Sometimes I have memories of things and I can't tell if it was real or a dream. That really gets me wondering and I don't know how to tell if it was real. It usually involves visiting someplace. This only happened a few times.
Ken P.
if you heard [god] ask you to?
or would you.... 1. check to see if he told anyone else to build one, too.... 2. ask anyone else if they also heard him tell you.... 3. check with your family, friends... or religious leader... to see what you should do.... 4. worry that you're "gonna look crazy".... 5. worry that you are crazy.... 6. wait to see if it's going to rain.... 7. wait to see if it's going to flood.... 8. say "no".... 9. ignore the request... and say/do nothing.... i'm just askin'.
peace to you!.
I'd ask why kill all the animals and flood the whole earth when you could just kill all the bad people in an instant and evaporate them, and why just kill bad humans, why not get rid of the bad spirits too, after all they started all the rebellion. What do you think would be the answer?
Ken P.
I'm almost 72 and when I see those 80 year olds walking along with a cane it scares me too, especially when I feel those joints beginning to go bad. Also when you look at your skin and see a few age spots and your skin is beginning to look different and just a little punch from almost anything will make you bleed and leave a brown spot for ages, but in your mind you are still 18. I still look like I'm in my late 50s, at least everyone guesses my age that way. Life is still fun though even if your turd cutter doesn't work like it did, as well as a few other things. I never even thought about it when I was in my 50s but when it hits you in the face you just have to deal with it. If you have kids they can make life worth living or cause a lot of pain but gives you someone to love which is one of lifes greatest gifts.
Enjoy every day you can and create some good memories, they last forever.
Ken P.
well, tomorrow's the big 3-0 since elvis checked out.
where were you when you heard the news?
we were getting ready for the meeting and heard it on the news.
I remember his death so well. My youngest daughter was just a few weeks old and we were camping at the beach when the news came over the radio. We were about the same age. I liked his movies back then and had faded from the JW life then. Time flies so fast, my daughter just turned 30 a few weeks ago.
Ken P.