Like Tec said, slenderman is really scary, you can play some game on line it's really creepy.
All the "paranormal activity" movies are really scary, particularly the first 2!
"The Ring" Japanese & American versions are scary classics.
used to be werewolves and vampires.
thinkin' "twilight" did that in - just saw a commercial for a cartoon where the star is a teenage vampire.
even the zombies are becoming friendly (seen a trailer about a zombie who falls in love and so reverts to "living" again).
Like Tec said, slenderman is really scary, you can play some game on line it's really creepy.
All the "paranormal activity" movies are really scary, particularly the first 2!
"The Ring" Japanese & American versions are scary classics.
anyone have any specific examples regarding recent instructions on having a backpack/bag ready for a sudden armageddon?
maybe a recent km article or boe letter?
i'd love a pdf.
A couple of years ago I visited my mother who is a witness. I am DF but see her every few years or so, I think she justifies it to herself because she gets to see my kids.
Anyway, there were floods in our part of the world, and she was glued to the tv. She would never talk about witness stuff around me, but this time she couldn't contain her excitement.....she showed me a list the elders had given her. A list in preparation for Armageddon. I wish I'd been able to get a copy, it was well meaning and hilarious at the same time. From memory it had things like the following:
- keep bottled water, batteries, a nominated meeting point, mobile phone charged (!)
it was a whole A4 page of instructions. Sorry I don't have a copy but I can tell you these lists exist.
My mother was so excited about it. Shes old, and lived through 1975, so shes been waiting a long time for this. It was surreal, because I think she thought I should be impressed by it, i remember her saying something about how loving the brothers in the congregation were to provide this plan.
I read it and said something positive like, great (encouraging and supportive me!!!)
And it didn't concern her at all that my 2 children and myself wouldn't survive this event, or that they were listening to every word!
I sometimes think if a non JW heard an exchange like that, they could never begin to understand it.
writing and speaking is all about communication.. if we are casually engaged the level of precision vanishes.
simple ideas=simplified language.. but, as we attempt to convey accuracy, specificity and numerical precision--what then?
without a clear standard is proper communication headed for extinction?.
A panda walks into a cafe. He orders a sandwich, eats it, then draws a gun and fires two shots into the air.
"Why?" Asks the confused waiter, as the panda makes towards the exit. The panda produces a badly punctuated wildlife manual and tosses it over his shoulder.
"I'm a panda," he says, at the door. "Look it up."
The waiter turns to the relevant entry and, sure enough, finds an explanation.
"Panda. Large black and white bear like mammal, native to China. Eats, shoots and leaves."
So, punctuation really does matter, even if it is only occasionally a matter of life and death.
An oldie but a goodie, from the back of a zero tolerance approach to punctuation, "Eats, Shoots and Leaves" by Lynne Truss.
hi guys & girls.. though you can sit back down in your seats now, sorry but not a jw, never have been & never will be, am a totally happy with athiest life, lol.. started lurking here about a year ago, started dating a jw woman didn't i, i here the face palms, lol.
lucky for me i found this site while trying to find out more about the jw's very early on & knew exactly how this was prob going to end.
but i thought what the hell lets see where it goes.
Welcome AMO, from an xJW, also now a happy atheist!
what is the most valuable thing your mother taught you?.
as an aside was she a witness or not at the time?.
uun .
My mother taught me to rely on no one, from infancy I learned that her faith was more important than her children. My mother taught me to expect nothing from her.
She was a troubled person and a bad parent, she would have struggled without the JW. But JW brought out the worst in her.
regarding worldly people, shows or toys?
etc...what quotes annoyed you the most?.
for me it was "well, you have to remember, they're worldly"... "don't trust anyone who isn't in the truth" "they may be nice but they are not friends of jehovah"... just a few to name.
"Feet in a hurry to run to badness" which was anything you wished you could do that wasn't witness related.
" He'd make a lovely brother!" Any man who was nice & not already a witness ( like our mechanic )
"unevenly yoked to an unbeliever" ooohhhhh the reason why any witness married to a non witness was unhappy!
They are tattooed on my brain!
yes, "watson", the computer system that crushed its opponents on jeopardy, is going to college to brush up on its skills.. think of a future in which we are dominated by something like "skynet" or "colossus" - only really helpful and nice ( we hope).
i, for one, welcome our new computer overlords.
You mean soon like in my "generation" soon?
hi there, as was suggested to me, i'm starting this thread to say hi to everyone.. my awakening began recently, after the new light on the 'slave'.
i felt it didn't add up and went to check and found out ttatt.
for a while i tried to find evidence of whether the wt might still be god's organization, i needn't say i couldn't.. i had already resigned as a ministerial servant and a pioneer, had already had several issues with the elders and did not put up with their nonsense for a long.
Welcome Alec, I'm new here too, even though I left a long time ago. When I left I didn't find out TTATT, i just tried to,never think about it again. But this doesn't really work.
I was a born in also, so even though I had left years ago, I was still very haunted by the past.
Learning from this site has been incredibly eye opening for me, it's never too late for us!
a word of warning though, this site will play havoc with your sleep patterns!!! I feel like I've spent all January in a daze as I've been up all hours reading!
i am noticing that as time goes times on, the jw's become more stranger.
they seem a whole more distant at least to me.. what do you think..
They get stranger because the rest of the world changes and they haven't, largely due to,the out of touch GB.
The internet changes everything. I drove past some witnesses on the street today, and the thought of spreading information through the placement of magazines door to door seems so antiquated, like traveling salesmen from the 1930's.
so i was working at my 2nd job today in a store and i was the cashier for most of the day.
it's been about 2 weeks since i've been to a meeting & i hadn't shaved so i had a somewhat hipster-ish stubbly beard going on.
also my hair has gotten slightly longer, nothing noticeable to the world but something that would turn a few heads at the kingdom hall.
This made me feel all sad & emotional for this man, I can picture him exactly as you describe....the grinding poverty. I'm imagining the smell of moth balls, donated clothes and a sh*t apartment somewhere, awaiting Armageddon which shoulda been here by now.....
Then I imagined him sitting is that shoddy suit in a committee somewhere passing judgement & I f***ing hate him!