I lost my respect for a number of so-called feminists who daily wrote Guardian articles on matters such as how Professor Tim Hunt's remarks were misogynistic and he should be pilloried and expelled from the human race, or how some poor Hollywood actresses were not paid the same as men, or how a disgusting lawyer perved on a barrister's LinkedIn photo and had the temerity to send her a message complimenting her on how stunning she looked, and then when a thousand so-called refugees attacked women in Cologne over the turn of the year, with some women being raped, and hundreds of similar incidents happened over Europe at the same period, in other words, an undeniably massive example of rape culture and a backward and misogynistic attitude towards women
– as had been demonstrated in Tahrir Square during the protests in 2011
– then what was the response of those feminists? Absolute silence.
It took them eight days to come up with tripe such as
this: 'Young German women thankfully enjoy historically unprecedented economic and sexual freedom, with their expensive smartphones and their right to celebrate New Year’s Eve however they want. The same isn’t always true of young male migrants exchanging life under repressive regimes, where they may at least have enjoyed superiority over women, for scraping by at the bottom of Europe’s social and economic food chain.'
So, no. The hypocritical feminism which quickly throws women under the bus when Islamists come along should not go unchallenged.