Watching this right now on Hulu and about jumped out of my chair when they declared the kid a JW. Still watching, should be interesting. Will come back and comment when the episode is over.
Edited to add: Well it was a good episode although I am a biased Grey's Anatomy fan. :) Now that I think of it I am surprised this hasn't been covered in the many seasons prior. I think it was a fairly good portrayal, the family looked so conservative that I was surprised that the son was a long haired skater. lol That never would have happened in my home at least. But the statements did ring true also the way the wife subjegated to her husband to explain their beliefs was annoying.
"Your blood wouldn't sustain his life, it would condemn it."
"Living with it (blood) would be so much worse for him than dying without it."
Both of those lines from this episode stood out for me especially because since in the storyline his best friend didn't even know he was a JW. Many of my school friends didn't know when I was growing up and that is mainly because #1 I didn't personally believe in the faith although of course my parents did & #2 it was embarrasing. The reason it would be worse for him to live with the blood is because his entire family and JW friends would turn against him.
I have always wondered what would have happened if I had ever need a blood transfusion as a child. There were no parts of blood or other such things at the time. I know for a fact my mom would have let me die but I am pretty confident that my dad would have told the doctors to do whatever was needed to save my life. He was a JW for my mom but he wasn't devout and isn't one to care about rules especially concerning the life of his child. Thank goodness that wasn't ever an issue, but I feel so sad for the lives lost due to this backwards belief.
Spoiler which someone already mentioned above is that the boy dies. I was relieved that they didn't go into the families reaction upon his death because it would have made me sick to my stomach to hear their words of "praise to Jehovah, it is his will", etc.