The majority that probably showed up for the local needs part were the ones who made it to the assembly to begin with. Kind of defeats the purpose.
JoinedPosts by undercover
California Circuit gets a slap on the hand
by ezekiel3 ina "circuit" (northern california area including south of sacramento and foothills) had only half of their expected attendance at the 10-11 april circuit assembly.
only some 600 from a circuit of about 1100 were present to the dismay of the district and circuit overseers responsible for the assembly.
of major concern was how to foot the bill for the event which is funded by member donations.
Medal of Honor Recipient was Reared a JW
by Kenneson ini was perusing through a book entitled "african american recipients of the medal of honor: a biographical dictionary, civil war through vietnam war" by charles w. hanna (jefferson, north carolina, and london: mcfarland & company, inc., publishers, 2002) when i came across this very interesting entry on pages 173-4. i thought some of you might find it interesting.
it is rather lengthy, so i will not quote the whole article.. "1st lieutenant ruppert l. sargent, u s a.
9th u.s. infantry.
Undecided and Gary:
Both of you raised points that I have wondered about. As JWs it may come about that you have to give your life(by not taking blood). As a patriotic member of the military it may come about that you have to give your life(by dying in a war).
A great deal of people really get incensed about the blood issue and the JWs. Whether right or wrong, this is their religious belief and they choose to die for their God. Some of the same people who criticize JWs for not taking blood will support the military in war action knowing full well that people will die. What's the difference? Is someone dying for their country any more nobler than someone who dies for their God? Is Country more important than God? These are philosophical questions and I don't have answers. I just wonder about it sometimes.
What Would a JW Discussion Forum Accepted By The Society Really Be Like?
by minimus insuppose for a minute that the society allowed certain pro-jw sites to exist as long as they were heavily moderated by "mature ones".
what would the site be like?
what types of dialogue would exist?
Under "Our Meetings"
Poster 1: What did you think of the WT Study Sunday? Wasn't it wonderful. I really liked the way the conductor brought out the point about how if we miss one meeting it's like cutting off a finger of our hand. Five meetings, five fingers. If we lose one, its so much harder to hold on to things. Missing one meeting would make it harder to hold on to the truth.
Poster 2: Our conductor brought out that over 40,000 people were DFd last year. All because they didn't love Jehovah enough to make it to all the meetings. I have resolved to never miss another Book Study again.
Poster 3: Our conductor said that the Internet was to blame. He cited the WT references about the dangers of the Internet. He suggested that if we have problems letting ourselves surf the web in areas that are hurtful we may want to think about cutting off our connection. I thought about it, but then how would I keep up with this board?
Poster 4: We had the CO this week. He said Armageddon was closer than ever and that we really need to be alert. This whole Iraq thing could lead into a major war and then The Big A. Boy, I can't wait. To finally not have to deal with all these nasty worldly people.
Poster 5: Something didn't make sense to me in the WT Study. The paragraph and the scripture cited seemd to be in conflii.............(account deleted)
Adriana was Disfellowshipped!
by Swan indid anyone else see the sopranos sunday night?
did anyone else notice the creepy similarities between them and the jws?
they even mentioned the witness protection program, which reminded me of the old joke we have.. the mob is such a metaphor for high control groups like the jws.
Maybe Tony was in NC checking on those "rednecks" selling black market cigarettes to them? He would've had to drive really fast though, LOL.
Do you still get embarrassed by it?
by Mr Ben inthe other night in the pub a guy pipes up, "hey, how you doing mate?
then proceeds to inform everyone that i used to try and convert him to jwism about 8 years ago.
i say, "how you doing dave?"...
Fortunately I never really tried that hard to convert anyone so I figure no one is really gonna give me a hard time for that one.
But, yes I am embarrassed that I was ever involved with it. I do not admit to anyone that didn't know it already that I was ever a JW. My new circle of friends/acquaintances do not know, nor will they find out from me. Those that knew I was, know now that I am obviously not one. They are either glad I got out or, more like it, don't care but either way I don't care to discuss with them.
Adriana was Disfellowshipped!
by Swan indid anyone else see the sopranos sunday night?
did anyone else notice the creepy similarities between them and the jws?
they even mentioned the witness protection program, which reminded me of the old joke we have.. the mob is such a metaphor for high control groups like the jws.
Tony was calling her from North Carolina?
(checking your location in signature box)
What Would a JW Discussion Forum Accepted By The Society Really Be Like?
by minimus insuppose for a minute that the society allowed certain pro-jw sites to exist as long as they were heavily moderated by "mature ones".
what would the site be like?
what types of dialogue would exist?
Welcome to the Pure Language Network, uh, wait, that won't work. Welcome to JWZone, oh wait, that's no good either. OK OK got it. Welcome to Oh, damnitall. Nevermind. Let's just condemn all Internet activity in the next Watchtower.
Which men / lads here cry when listening to music / watching films?
by Celtic inyou know how some of us guys have to put on a bit of an act sometimes, we have to set our faces into our coping scowl, but underneath, we're too well aware of just how soft we are?
well.. what music to the big guys here only, not you wimpy bunch, brings a tear to your eye or which films is it that you need to keep a box of tissues handy by you to wipe away the dampness in your eye?.
for celtic it's a track by dido - white flag and also black eyed peas - where is the love?
Yep. Gotta go with Field of Dreams.
"Oh my God. It's my father. Look how young he is. I only say him after he was beaten down by life."
"Dad? Wanna have a catch?"
OK, gettin teary eyed just thinking about it.
Watchtower and UN
by mkr32208 ini've read most of the topics on this (not all yet there are a lot!
) and tried to follow the links to the un site the message i got was that all the links were outdated.
i went on the site and tried to find this info fom that end, i found the list of ngo's but "watchtower bible and blah blah whatever" wasn't on there!
Go to Search on "The Guardian" or "The Guardian Unlimited". Click on "The Guardian Unlimited". Click on archive search. Type in keyword search "watchtower" date: oct 2001. Click on "Jehovah's Witness link to UN queried" There you will find the article that exposed the WTS connection with the UN. Note that the date of the story is October 9, 2001.
If you scroll on down you'll see a link to an article dated October 15, 2001 titled "Hypocrite Jehovahs Witnesses abandon secret link with UN"
By doing this you have not visited an apostate sight. You have accessed the archived files of a London newspaper. Granted, the writer of the article seems to not like the JWs to begin with. But in this article he accuses the WTS of having a connection with the UN by becoming an NGO. One has to ask, is this reporter lying? Can I verify his claim? If one has an open mind and wants to know the truth, one must be willing to research and accept the evidence.
Now go to Search on "united nations". Click on the result ( Click on "About the United Nations". Click on the "NGO Section". Here you can learn all about the NGOs and how it works. But to find the damning letter regarding the WTS, click on "NGO Related Documents". Now click on "Other Documents". And finally click on "Watchtower Bible and Tract Society". There's the letter from the UN itself saying that the WTS applied for and was granted NGO status. It also confirms that the WTS requested termination on October 9th, 2001, the same day as the Guardian article.
Now you have one media source that claims that the WTS had UN connections and from the UN site itself you have confirmation of this fact. No apostates or apostate sites are accessed or referenced. This is why the WTS doesn't want it's followers using the Internet.
Reasons why men are.............
by Stefanie ingreat.. they smell good.
they give you that warm fuzzy feeling all over.. they are so cute when they make the baby laugh.. they have that one shirt that all holey but cant live without.. .
here is one for all the men in the world that are truly great, and deserve a big hug and kiss!.
he does my laundry, dishes, housework (I am a notorious slob!), drives me to and from work, takes me to see my family (and is the first one to say "why don't we go visit your family this weekend?"),
Is this what it takes to have women feel they are loved by their man? Forget it, I guess I'll have to stay un-loved . (good thing my wife doesn't expect all that).