I speak nothing but the truth.
LOL. Left yourself open on that one.
But I'm gonna let it go.
I'll leave you to Chevy and Steph to flirt with. Have fun!
i am new to the post and looking to meet girls the age of 18-22. i am a college senior in texas and an ms and my local congregation but there is a shortage of nice looking women around here.
maybe i can meet new friends on here.
I speak nothing but the truth.
LOL. Left yourself open on that one.
But I'm gonna let it go.
I'll leave you to Chevy and Steph to flirt with. Have fun!
now i don't know if there is a "god",,but if there was one,, would he get mad like the jehovah in the bible if you slighted him in some way??.
i know many people are afraid to call down evil on jehovah or jesus,,they feel god might hurt them in some way if they take up his name in a less than respectful way.
i personal would not be inclind to view "god" to be like that at all.. if this god made everything in existance he must have intelligence that is vastly greater than ours,,he certainly wouldn't have the same emotions as us,,like fear,,anxiety,etc...they would only get in the way of good clear judgements,,and screw thing up for him just like they do to us sometimes.. to think that this 'god" would get angry at us for blaming him for something and calling him names is rediculous,,example: would you get mad at an earthworm because it didn't like you,,or because he swore at you when you stepped on his nieghborhood ant hill??
The God of Hebrew Bible would smite thee.
The God of the Christians would turn the other cheek.
i am new to the post and looking to meet girls the age of 18-22. i am a college senior in texas and an ms and my local congregation but there is a shortage of nice looking women around here.
maybe i can meet new friends on here.
Have your facts straight before you speculate.
That's the problem. I don't have all the facts. If I did, I wouldn't have to speculate. I would know. But based on your posts so far, I speculate that something is amiss. I could be wrong. Won't be the first time. But until proven wrong, I'll keep on speculatin'.
Oh, by the way; Welcome to the forum.
it is a little known policy outside jws that all you have to do to stop jws from coming to your door is to be put on the "do not call" list.
this is a record that is attached to the back of every territory card (a map section assigned to jw members) and carefully avoided by jws in future visits in your neighborhood.
to make sure that the list is valid and up-to-date, it is procedure for an elder (usually the service overseer) to call on these addresses at least once per year to verify that the resident still does not want visits.
We got requests from householders to not call back. I knew where several of those houses were. But everytime I went out with someone who had that territory there was no "do not call" list included with the territory card. There were a couple of elders who would always call anyway and use the excuse that maybe the original "do not calls" had moved.
It's another case of say one thing, do another.
i am new to the post and looking to meet girls the age of 18-22. i am a college senior in texas and an ms and my local congregation but there is a shortage of nice looking women around here.
maybe i can meet new friends on here.
Maybe it's just me, but something doesn't ring true about our young 'hova friend.
i have just returned from spending a week in the company of frenchbabyface, (fbf) and would like to share some basic observation that i feel will enlighten my fellow countrymen and women about a people we, as a culture, actually know very little about.
i do believe the medias of both countries do not show their people an honest and forthright view of the other countries people.
the american media gives us almost no news of france and most of what we do get is not very positive.
I've been lucky enough to visit many countries including some communist and muslim ones. I have realized that people are people. If you put aside politics and religion we all are the same. The governments, media and religion present things the way they want and if we don't know any better, we buy into it. Visiting foreign countries and cultures is a great way to learn to be tolerant and accepting of people. That doesn't mean you have to accept their political view or join their religion, but you understand better where they come from and how they think and you appreciate them better. You can become friends with people from all over the world when you refuse to accept the propaganda about cultures as portrayed in the media, by the government or religious leaders.
from our readers (awake!
july 8 2004)
pinatas i read with interest the article ?the pinata - an ancient tradition?
Christians refrain from any celebrations or customs that continue to involve false religious beliefs or activities that violate Bible principles.
Starts off plain enough and makes sense.
For example, the Bible definitely puts birthdays celebrations in a bad light. (Genesis 40:2; Matthew 14: 6 - 10)
Here's the part meant for the R&F. Birthdays=bad.
However, if it is very obvious that a custom has no current false religious significance and involves no violation of Bible principles, each Christian must make a personal decision as to whether he will follow such a custom.
Here's the CYA part. To the non-JW or casual reader, you can read into it that no firm rule is made, it's up to each person. To the JW though, they don't see that part, they have been indoctrinated for so long that Birthdays are wrong, that all they see is the middle part, Birthdays=bad.
When non-JWs try to paint the WTS as dictorial when it comes to practices or beliefs without firm Biblical backing, the WTS can point to this and say, "We don't enforce people to not celebrate. We maintain that it is up to each person's conscience" and they will point to articles like this one.
This article will give the free-thinking, on-the-fringe JWs some wiggle room, but to the die-hards, they'll keep right on believing that Birthdays are banned by the WTS.
A worldly husband beat up a brother who was having an affair with the worldly man's wife(a sister). This happened in the hall. The elders stood by and watched. They refused to help. They claimed he had it coming because of his sins.
I knew a brother who beat the snot out of his brother-in-law (both JWs). The brother knew that his bro-in-law was stealing from him but couldn't prove it. One day in the parking lot at the convention he caught him stealing from his car and he promptly handed out his own judical meeting punishment right there and then. The bro-in-law sported a nice black eye and broken nose for a while.
about a few days ago i went to hand in my final paper at a university in manhattan.
i won't go into details about the school because i want to keep it to a certain extent personal.
there is this professor that is 38years old but he looks like he is 26 years old.
He just wants to nail you. He's a selfish predator. Stay away from him. You're obviously attracted to him some, but he has way too much baggage to deal with. Run and run fast.
i?m due soon for a shepherding call from my congregation elders for a variety of reasons: being irregular in service, s poradically attending meetings, and o h yes, writing in a letter to the society asking for clarifications on the blood ban.
i?m sure that one question that they will be asking me is: d
o you believe that jehovah is using the organization as his only approved channel of communication?
As minimus pointed out, answer their question with a question.
"D o you believe that Jehovah is using the Organization as his only approved channel of communication?"
"That's a good question. I won't deny that I have had some questions and have wondered where my faith is. I appreciate your concern but right now I need to step back and think this through. Blah blah blah."
You didn't say no and you didn't say yes. Just like a good politician.