Need to be unique: 21%
Need to not conform: 87%
Willingness to express dissent: 91%
Overall: 61%
Guess I'm a bit of a....
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
Need to be unique: 21%
Need to not conform: 87%
Willingness to express dissent: 91%
Overall: 61%
Guess I'm a bit of a....
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
for some time now i have been reading numerous indivisual life stories relating to their experience with the jws and one obscure ( or at least not directly elabourated upon) detail keeps popping up.. it would appear that whenever a person leaves the organisation by da/df/ia that people take it upon themselves to start spreading "nasty rumours" about the person in question.. it always seems that so much of these said rumours that were frabicated and then propagated throught the local jw community that the poaster almost never seems to have time to goint any detail about what exactaly was said about them in detail.. i would like to invite the posters here on the board to shed some light on their experience regarding their reputation after leaving the kh.. it would appear that once disfelloshipped that the jw community must make it abundantly clear that the person is of absolutely deplorable character inorder to justify their inhumane treatment of the df'ed indivisual.
saying that there is no honourable way to leave the oragnisation this seems to be rather common place.. i am also informed that even if the df'ed person were permitted to return that their reputation within the jw community would never be the same due to the tarnishing of their name and the stigma attached to being df'ed.. i may not be entirely too shure about this one but it would seem that if while still in good standing should the indvisual to become "publicly reproved" or "marked" that this would also be an invitation for the local jw community to begin the same process of defaming the character of the person in question.. would anyone care to discuss your personall experience relating to any private information which became public knowledge after you left the jw community or any half truths that were deileberately propagated to tarnish your name in the vacinity of the kh.
and even worse yet blant lies that were imagined and promoted about you inorder to permanatently damage your character.. i would also be interested in who exactly you think were responsible for the iniation of these rumours.. was it the elders?
I don't think Jerome is wallowing in peoples painful experiences, he's just curious as to what goes on and collating experiences so he can analyse.....
What's wrong with that? Don't be so mean!
for some time now i have been reading numerous indivisual life stories relating to their experience with the jws and one obscure ( or at least not directly elabourated upon) detail keeps popping up.. it would appear that whenever a person leaves the organisation by da/df/ia that people take it upon themselves to start spreading "nasty rumours" about the person in question.. it always seems that so much of these said rumours that were frabicated and then propagated throught the local jw community that the poaster almost never seems to have time to goint any detail about what exactaly was said about them in detail.. i would like to invite the posters here on the board to shed some light on their experience regarding their reputation after leaving the kh.. it would appear that once disfelloshipped that the jw community must make it abundantly clear that the person is of absolutely deplorable character inorder to justify their inhumane treatment of the df'ed indivisual.
saying that there is no honourable way to leave the oragnisation this seems to be rather common place.. i am also informed that even if the df'ed person were permitted to return that their reputation within the jw community would never be the same due to the tarnishing of their name and the stigma attached to being df'ed.. i may not be entirely too shure about this one but it would seem that if while still in good standing should the indvisual to become "publicly reproved" or "marked" that this would also be an invitation for the local jw community to begin the same process of defaming the character of the person in question.. would anyone care to discuss your personall experience relating to any private information which became public knowledge after you left the jw community or any half truths that were deileberately propagated to tarnish your name in the vacinity of the kh.
and even worse yet blant lies that were imagined and promoted about you inorder to permanatently damage your character.. i would also be interested in who exactly you think were responsible for the iniation of these rumours.. was it the elders?
They said I was sleeping with my brother-in-law that's why I was getting drunk with him all the time!
Then that 'blonde bitch perfect witness' spread a rumour that I was in love with this loaded ministrial servant and that I only liked him for his car and money! Coulda bitch slapped the skank...
Now I know that's nothing compared to some of your experiences.
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
She's gunna be a looker like me!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just wanna blow raspberries on her tummy and pinch her bum!
What an absolute babe of a babe!
one of the most interesting thing that seems to happen to a loyal jw who comes onto a site like this is that by default they become hypocrites.. now for many of us we were at least willing to "concede" that we were hypocrites for being here, but then you go those "others" who just can't admit it about themselves>.
i thought this post by yoyo mama is very interesting as he resoundly dogs a person, yet this poster does the very thing that he condemns.
only a jw could do this and think everything is ok:.
Yo Yo is holding to his own ideas of what is right and wrong. I try not to bring anyone down, but uplift, not because I was taught this, but because it's in my, part of my personality. Eg. You can teach a child to clean their room once a week till they move from home. But if they've got a personality that likes mess, I'll guarantee you you'll still be nagging them to clean up when you visit them in their own home!!!!! We all have a level of responsibility. Just because the net is a supposed anon place, doesn't mean we should lose our etiquette, temper, open-mindedness....I concede that some aren't born with the wonderful gift that is openmindedness, but hey, it's not us that are missing out!{54ea3ea1-1889-46cb-acfd-22cc0b0b79fd}.
teen found guilty in abbotsford bullying that led to suicide.
canadian press .
It's impossible to think what is running through their minds when they do this desparate act. Until you've experienced the utter anquish and sense of hopelessness that brings about these thoughts, it'll never fully be understood!
My heart goes out to you and your dear family Beck!!!!!!!!!!! Your nephew will be in my prayers tonight! He ended what he thought was a desparate situation, but in my eyes he's still alive in your hearts and minds.
Death is cruel. Even crueler is the notion that we live on after we die, that we can watch our family grow and see their happiness and pain and yet be no part of it, simply watch from a distance! That is one of the most awful things ever taught. If I passed over, I'd be bitching to whoever to change the policies!!!!!!
... or is this place waaay more peaceful these days???.
i wonder what it could be?
Someone else suggested that this is because quite a few have 'resigned' from this site....hmmmmm....interesting.{54ea3ea1-1889-46cb-acfd-22cc0b0b79fd}.
teen found guilty in abbotsford bullying that led to suicide.
canadian press .
Yeah Dungbeetle and I wish that you and I and all the world over didn't have to live in such a cruel, heartless world!{54ea3ea1-1889-46cb-acfd-22cc0b0b79fd}.
teen found guilty in abbotsford bullying that led to suicide.
canadian press .
This is terrible but it's an epidemic especially in schools and workplaces in australia! I was bullied at school once and I just turned around and bullied her right I never had any problems again.
Bullying takes such an emotional toll on boys especially....once again the situation of the world and it's callousness disheartens me.
i havent been around much on this board the past week for this reason.
last saturday we received a phone call telling us that mrs thirdsons grandmother was close to death and that we should get over to the residential care facility if we wanted to say our goodbyes.
most of the family had arrived and were keeping vigil.
I'm so sorry you didn't get to know your grandma when she had all her facalities. I luved my gran to death even though she was a sour-crout - and never washed (what being german and all!). They impart so much of their life to you, you can learn so much! My gran died of alzhemer's and cancer of the lymph nodes, the last day I saw her - a few days before her death - she didn't even recognize me and stared right through me! That was the most painful experience of my life as she and I were especially close when I was younger!
Perhaps it was for the best that you didn't get to know her too well while she was ill, you may have gotten a misrepresentation. We soften the pain by relating stories and remembering the funny side of gran as well as the grump that she could be and it makes us hopeful that we'll see her again.....and all her antics.
I wish the same for you and your grandmother!!!!!!
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room