So sad to disturb people in their grief and visitations.
Stoopid gb. If they had any love for people, they'd stop this practice.
jehovah's witness cemetery trolls disrupt a mothers grief .
by ray duckler.
So sad to disturb people in their grief and visitations.
Stoopid gb. If they had any love for people, they'd stop this practice.
Nicely done!!! Yay, Mike and Kim, keep up the good great work!
i know it's a completely absurd thing to say, but something happened to me today that triggered the old cult reaction.
my mind instantly lapsed back into that of a jw and for a split second i thought that because i wasn't doing jehovah things that jehovah's blessing had been removed from me and this is why my life seems to be running into so many dead-ends.
as a jw i attributed anything good happening to me to being the result of my being a good jw and dutifully doing everything the borg teaches.
Julia, you rock and you know it. It's just that we were all taught to respond to how "others" viewed us, we were never taught to trust in ourselves and our abilities.
I mean, the crap that happened to people (as someone wisely pointed out) was NEVER big j's fault, must be SATAN (a little church lady humor for those in the US). Really??? How stupid is that. Good things must be a reward from j but never bad things, nooooooo. It's all so stupid but we all ate it for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. No wonder it's so hard getting out, we are all full of this nonsensical thinking!
You, my dear, obviously have better things ahead! Everything happens for a (good but not-yet-understood) reason.
I'm old. Trust me. You will continue to be awesome. And when things work out so much better than you'll see what I mean.
For now, go have fun with dad and spend his money. Keeeeeeep smiling, Julia girl! It's gonna be great! HUGSSSSSSSSSSS
in the past few weeks, my wife has been seeing more and more the lack of love and caring from jws.
for example, she is organizing a "princess party" for our 4 year old daughter.
a couple of the parents have expressed reservations about this since they think princesses may be "too magical" even though we know they have been to disneyworld, and watch the disney channel.
Sir82, you are so right-on about doctrine vs. lack of love. Appealing to the emotions is the best first step. The doctrinal craziness will just be a reinforcement of omg-howcrazywasitobelievethisstuffforsolong!
BU2B, so happy that she's now starting to wake up. You are right to take it slow. Just nurture her progress O U T of the cult. HUGS to you both!
i won't be lengthy on this.
i have been in the org for about 20yrs.
now & woke up about 2yrs ago.
Welcome NMHustle!!! So glad you woke up and have the opportunity to help your wife and others. Please keep posting!
i overheard this argument re the new tract campaign.
one elder told a publisher, to hide the tract in the mailbox if the home owner wasn't home.
the publisher was used to folding the tip of the tract, and just left a tip showing.
You can, however, place mail without postage on the outside of the box by sticking it between the box and the mail flag, if there is one. I've seen a few tracts "placed" that way "legally".
I'm gonna go with this story:
The jdubs probably did meet with the man, and probably lied to him due to their theory of theocratic warfare. Why?
Well, no one in their right mind (meaning a non-jdub) would ever, ever, ever consider purchasing the plot of land next door once the hall was constructed. So the jdubs lie to the man, he goes ahead and builds his lovely home with a view, then the dubs build right in front of him and Voila! They can now purchase the property on the cheap for a CO to live in as the man and his wife will never be able to get decent market value for it.
The lying, mean-spirited jdubs will call it a win for god the gb.
The end.
jws shun those who disagree with them on the basis of some verses of apostles such as john and paul.
(2 john 10; titus 3:10; 1 corinthians 5:11; 16:22).. however, jws do not realize that these writers are known for writing things that make no sense at all.
1) john wrote: "no one has ascended into heaven, but he who descended from heaven: the son of man.
And when the prodigal son eventually returned, his father treated him like royalty...not like a diseased misfit.
it's been quite a while since i lasted posted anything on jwn.
i was in hiding previously, but only because i wanted to avoid the shun gun until i had the opportunity to tell my former congregation what i think about the org./gb.
i last attended a meeting over 2.5 years ago but it wasn't until june--when i earned my bachelor's degree--that i finally had the time to collect my thoughts and get them down on paper...i decided to write my letter in a style i felt would be most appealing to my target audience--jw's still under gb mind control --in the hope that at least a few would read it and actually "think".
Congratulations on your degree and your new life!
Hopefully a few will read your letter and follow your wise advice. Sadly, most have been trained to immediately throw away (or even burn!) such "apostate" literature, for that is the word that will be triggered in their cult-controlled minds when they begin to read your fine letter. Let's hope that some who are on their way out the door will be encouraged to keep walking away! So well worth it if you help to save even one more from a lifetime of bOrgdom.
even though watchtower's application has been rejected, they will be allowed to use the logo because it is for religious usage and will not be confused with commercial products.. the trademark office did note this:.
indeed, numerous other marks are registered reflecting the letters j and w:.
Hmmm, methinks you might be right....