saving this for September!
JoinedPosts by cultBgone
Kingdom Hall in Chile has National flag!!
by wolfman85 inin the spanish website extj one forum user shows evidence that on the 18th and 19th of september in chile the government calls to honor the nation displaying the national flag everywhere.
failure to do so is liable to a fine.
you can see the photos here:
Does anyone remember the article which mentioned that many non-jws would survive armageddon?
by cultBgone ini seem to think it was a november wt issue but can't remember precisely, but it was probably printed within the last three years.
after being told for years and years that everyone not a jw would be destroyed, this was amazing to see in print!
yet when i pointed it out to others, they just shrugged it off and left me wondering what i was missing.... does this ring a bell with anyone?.
I seem to think it was a November WT issue but can't remember precisely, but it was probably printed within the last three years. After being told for years and years that everyone not a jw would be destroyed, this was amazing to see in print! Yet when I pointed it out to others, they just shrugged it off and left me wondering what I was missing...
Does this ring a bell with anyone?
How long did you know TTATT while attending the meetings?
by Iamallcool ini did not know anything about ttatt while attending the meetings.. .
ttatt=the truth about the truth..
Old Goat, thank you for your post. It's so nice to hear your calm historical perspective. When did TTATT solidify in your thinking?
Did anyone in the congregation discourage you from going to college?
by Trapped in JW land ini remember being out on service with an elder when i was 17. he asked me what i plan on doing after high school.
i told him i was thinking of going to college to be a teacher.
he then asked me, "do you think this system is going to be around that long"?
Good for you, Trapped, keep moving forward and away...your life will continue to get better and better.
Instead of having my little kids count the number of times the speaker said "Jesus" during the talk, I should have been keeping lists of how many times things were stated about "not going to college" and "the end is sooooooo close".
Nobody Is Following The Governing Body's Directives On Shunning, Cognitive Dissonance In Over Drive!
by frankiespeakin inwell wouldn't that be nice!
the governing body speaking and ain't nobody listening..
saving this
Counting of "tract" or "memorial" invitations on reports slip!
by stuckinarut2 inso, the new arrangement is to get all the cong to count every tract and memorial invite and dc invite placed etc!.
can you beleive this!
how controlling and completely stupid!...i mean what is the reasoning behind counting a slip left in soemones letterbox???
Saw someone handing out multiple copies to staff at a restaurant...sure they mostly hit the trash too. But good numbers!
Matt 28:19,20 is a poor proof text
by Rattigan350 inmatt 28:19 go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit,".
has never made sense to me.
where did jesus get this about the name of the father, son & holy spirit?
saving for later
"And yet it moves !"
by Phizzy ingalileo is said to have uttered, or probably muttered these words in front of the inquisition after supposedly having reacanted his teaching that the solar system is heliocentric, as his predecessors kepler and copernicus had worked out.
(and a guy in 3rd century b.c greece !).
why was galileo unable to go back to his belief held by him in his youth, and nearly all people in christendom, that the earth was at the centre of the solar system and all the planets revolved around it ?.
Phizzy, nicely thought out, thanks for sharing. Helps to remember that those still "in" have not found their telescopes yet.
Kate, so happy for your loved one who has seen TTATT, and so happy for you to have her companionship.
How far behind the Watchtower is on child abuse reform compared to the Catholics
by besty in
pope takes responsibility for child abuse scandaltalks of sanctions; victims groups call for actionby john l. allen jr. | globe staff april 11, 2014pope francis asked forgiveness for the child sexual abuse scandals in the catholic church on friday, the first time hes done so as pope, and also said the church must be very strong in responding to the ongoing legacy of that crisis, including imposing forceful sanctions.. in remarks during an address to a french child protection group, francis said he took personal responsibility for what he described as the evil of child sexual abuse in the catholic church.. i feel called to take upon myself all the evil that some priests many, many in number, though not in proportion to the totality to take it upon myself and to ask forgiveness for the harm theyve done, for the sexual abuse of children, the pope said.the church is aware of this harm, he said.
its a personal and moral harm, but by men of the church.
Time will tell if the actions take place to back up those words.
Even the wt literature tries to appear anti-child abuse but we all know they don't really care, it's just words on paper and they point to them in court cases to say "look how we protect the children.' Meanwhile how many jw kids and kids in other religions are being abused today by those assigned to shepherd and guide them?
Sorry to sound cynical but when it's been done to your family, it's really hard to buy into the apologies.
HOME SCHOOL and the upcoming generation of scientifically illiterate kids
by Terry inwhen i worked for a book store i became familiar with beka text books for home school.. i spoke with the mothers who came looking for them.
i realized something didn't smell right.. then, i realized there are a couple of generations of fundamentalist kids who have had no exposure.
to the scientific method, science facts or any conversancy with physics or biology or history as a result of beka textbooks.. in a nutshell here is the situation:.
Have to agree with Konceptual...homeschooling when done properly can provide a great's when the parents ill-advisedly choose to follow a narrow curriculum that the problems arise. And the kids are the ones who suffer.
Let's not use the broadbrush technique like the wts/gb to label ideas with which we might disagree. Remember, we are now "those horrible worldly people" who are all inherently "evil", "bad", "reduced to taking drugs", "sexually deviant", etc. etc. etc.