Howdy Gopher,
You said:
"That verse you cited said "let him be to you as a tax collector or a man of the nations".
Ahh, that's what I thought the verse was that they used, which is why I asked where in the scriptures it says to shun people, because as you rightly point out, that scripture says ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about shunning people!!!
Thanks for clearing that one up!!!!
So, What scripture are you talking about that says to shun, and what other religions do you know of that practice shunning?
Just because someone that you thought was your friend turns out to be under the influence of mind control and does NOT return that friendship, how do you stop loving that person? More importantly, why would you want to stop loving that person?
How can you hold it against 'them' that they are doing something so awful and unscriptural even though they have been 'programmed' and aren't even aware of what they are really doing? I feel extreme pity for these people, and I love them even more.
I wouldn't know how to stop loving people that I consider my friends, and quite frankly I don't think I want to learn, either...