Very interesting thoughts..
Being an outsider, and just looking in as someone who has done some research on JW's, but obviously doesn't have any first hand knowledge of what it's like to be a witness, the first observation I've noticed is that the organization doesn't seem to do anything to become more 'mainstream' until pushed into that position..
Well before the organization was associated with the UN, they changed the policy on organ transplants, for instance..
My guess is that the organization isn't becoming more mainstream because of the UN association, but because it 'has' to in order to keep up it's numbers... I recently read somewhere that they were changing alot of the stuff in Japan in the hopes to keep the younger generation interested in staying with the organization, because they were loosing soo many, and were unable to recruit new people..
The bottom line to me would be that mainstream would mean a real tolerance of other religions, an acceptance of other people, such as real Christianity professes.. That would mean to me they would have to give up the 'mind control' they have over their brothers and sisters. I haven't seen any signs they are willing to let the R&F witnesses think for themselves, etc.. And the reason for this is quite simple, if they were allowed to, they'd see the F&DS wasn't, and leave in record numbers...
I agree, they need to mainstream and become a real part of Christianity.. But, nothing I have seen would indicate to me that they are trying to become mainstream.. They still try to seperate themselves from others, and they still control the minds of the R&F.
The witnesses are vey good people, but until the GB releases them from their slavery, they will never be mainstream, even if they see 'new light' occasionaly that allows them organ transplants, partial blood transfusions, or whatever other 'new light' that the rest of the world saw long ago and is old light to us, they come up with..
As for the UN thing itself, I have no clue what it will do.. But I don't exposing the UN/WT association can hurt.. The only possible thing I can thing the WT can use out of this is, "See, it's a sign.. They are trying to stop our preaching work" or something... Let them have their signs.. At some point all the "signs" will point to the end of the world, and just like 1975, when the world continues on, that's when the majority of R&F will hopefully realize that it's all a farse, and then the UN issue, Pedophile issue, and all the other issues will serve to 'add up' to the R&F that they need to exit stage left immediatly..
In the mean time, you are protecting the general public from being sucked into the cult in the first place.. Imagine what is going to happen when the WT uses the "Theocratic warfare strategy" as a defense to the UN association.. Hopefully the press will pounce all over that, and then the entire world will know about the 'you mean you lie to us to get us to see the light, but that is for our own benefit' strategy.. Thanks but no thanks (closing door sound).. As soon as that becomes public knowledge, I would seriously question wether or not the organization will get any new recruits, period..
That by itself may cause them to try and become more mainstream!!!! Remove their underhanded tools of deceit in their recruiting, and they may actually have to tell the truth.. I wonder how many 'new converts' there would be if the JW's actually told the entire truth of their religion from 'bible aid study #1'?
I just hope that they use the theocratic warfare strategy as a defense.. And I cannot see any other defense they can use, as anything else will be an admission of guilt that they purposfully created an association with the beast.. One will stop new recruits from joining them, the other will cause a mass exodus of current JW's.. Either way, I think 'stopping' the pressure would be a bad thing...
Just my $.02