Thanks for making me feel like less of a jerk. You'd think after 11 years, I'd be over it. I will say, I have accepted it, but until recently, I've chosen to ignore it. It's only recently I've started to process my feelings. I never even made contact with another ex-JW until about a year ago. Now that I'm done keeping secrets, I have a lot to deal with. Now that I'm a mom, I find this whole situation even more repulsive.
Mr. Flipper - I'm sorry to hear about your daughters' behavior. My daughter is only 17 months, and honestly I have to agree that there is no amount of wrong she could do to me that I would never be able to forgive. As a parent, it's my duty to love her unconditionally. I think that's part of the reason why I am so upset with my own parents. There are people on death row who have parents that love them. All I did was stick up for myself. I guess I have a double standard on the issue. In my mind, I assume they'd never leave the JWs. They'd only try to be in contact with me if it were allowed by the GB. In that sense, I think I'd rather just not deal with it. "New Light" is not going to sweep their actions under the rug for me. If my sister ever reached out to me, I'd be more responsive. If she were still in the JWs, it would be very difficult for me though.
Hortensia, Gopher & Chaserious - Thanks for sharing your experiences. Just knowing I'm not alone makes a big difference. It's so sad to see how this BS has impacted so many families. It needs to stop.