Do you believe Jesus returned in the first century? If so, why?
The Great and Powerful Oz:
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
how many people believe jesus returned in the first century?
for those that don't, why not?
Do you believe Jesus returned in the first century? If so, why?
The Great and Powerful Oz:
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
my 19 year old son show me a site on internet where they show a lot of pictures from our books, and if you look very carfully you can see ddifrent ocult signs, or perhaps guess it is something like this, someone here who have knowlege of this things here, it was new for me, and very confusing, perhaps i give you the link later.
*church lady asks*
"what is the JW woman in willy_thinks pic invoking,
could it be Satan"?
The Great and Powerful Oz:
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
despite the failings of many who claim to follow the bible and believe it, this gives no excuse to dismiss it's contents.
thru the centuries it has proved reliable and remains the word of god despite all else.
the most abhorrent work a christian can perform is to teach his children and brothers that there is no heavenly road open to them.
that no amount of faith, works or grace will save them from annihilation.
you claim there are two classes of christians the anointed, ( saints or the brothers of christ) and those who's only hope is the resurrection of the flesh.
from the perspective of an atheist I can appreciate your analogy as to the nature of the "argument," however from the perspective of a Christian it is fundamental to the our sense of self, our place in the universe and to the nature of our relationship with our God.
I agree with your position that the biggest problem with the WT is there total lack of authority, but authority is not the only issue that is worthy of discussion. I believe this separation of Christians into classes to be one of the root causes for much of the anxiety people in the WT and people exiting the org. Struggle with.
I hope You_know will respond I feal this issue is important to anyone who would call himself a Christian.
The Great and Powerful Oz:
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
a question for all the bible experts: .
who or what does revelation 11:1-4 apply to?
There are several points that must be noticed: 1. Who measures? 2. The measure used. 3. What is measured? (1) A reed is given to John to be used as a measure. It is not an angel who measures, but an apostle, the sole representative of the apostles then living. The apostle is a representative of the apostolic body. It is the apostles who are to measure. (2) The measure is not a human one. John did not make it, nor did any other apostle, nor any man, or body of men. The reed was given to him. It is a divine measure. Whatever is measured is to be compared with a divine standard. There is a divine standard for measurement which was given by our Lord to the apostles. This is the New Testament of Jesus Christ. (3) Measure the temple of God. This cannot mean the literal temple. It was not in the part of the world where John was, if it had been standing; nor was it then standing. What is meant is that of which the temple was a symbol; viz., the Church. And the altar. In the Jewish temple the altar was the place where the worship centered. Without the altar worship was impossible, and the altar is taken as a symbol of the worship. The sacrifices of the altar were all typical of Christ's atonement. Hence, the measurement has a relation to the death of Christ.
This prophetical passage about measuring the temple seems to refer to Ezekiel's vision. The design of this measuring seems to be the preservation of the church in times of public danger; or for its trial, or for its reformation. The worshippers must be measured; whether they make God's glory their end, and his word their rule, in all their acts of worship. Those in the outer court, worship in a false manner, or with dissembling hearts, and will be found among his enemies. God will have a temple and an altar in the world, till the end of time. He looks strictly to his temple. The holy city, the visible church, is trodden under foot. But the desolations of the church are limited, and she shall be delivered out of all her troubles.
the most abhorrent work a christian can perform is to teach his children and brothers that there is no heavenly road open to them.
that no amount of faith, works or grace will save them from annihilation.
you claim there are two classes of christians the anointed, ( saints or the brothers of christ) and those who's only hope is the resurrection of the flesh.
with the pre-memorial drums beating through dubland, it brings to my mind how the jw insistence on a literal reading of the 144,000 in revelation 7 and 14 has poisoned their entire outlook of the new testament and the teachings of christ.. although they're the most aggressive proselytizers of christendom, it's no wonder they've cooked up a host of specious rationalizations to demur on invitations to participate in public debates: they must know that their position on this bedrock teaching of christianity, i.e.
that jesus died and was raised for all and in his position of hevenly glory, intercedes on their behalf.
there's no question that any attempt by jws to defend their ludicrous teaching in a public forum would subject them to embarassment and well-deserved ridicule, and expose their cultishess.. and this is but the tip of the proverbial iceberg: look what the literal 144,000 does to eviscerate the power of jesus illustration of the sheep and the goats; it compels jws to equivocate on other crystal clear christian concepts, i.e the sonship of god and leading of the holy spirit.
This is the great evil ot the WT:
it puts faithful JWs in the position of having to deny Jesus mediatorship over them under pain of expulsion.
the most abhorrent work a christian can perform is to teach his children and brothers that there is no heavenly road open to them.
that no amount of faith, works or grace will save them from annihilation.
you claim there are two classes of christians the anointed, ( saints or the brothers of christ) and those who's only hope is the resurrection of the flesh.
the most abhorrent work a Christian can perform is to teach his children and brothers that there is no heavenly road open to them. That no amount of faith, works or grace will save them from annihilation.
You claim there are two classes of Christians the anointed, ( saints or the brothers of Christ) and those who's only hope is the resurrection of the flesh. (Jehovah's slaves)
the only problem with it is the bible doesn't agree and Jesus didn't teach it.
Eph. 3:14-15- we are all one family in heaven and on earth, united together, as children of the Father.
Eph. 1:22-23; 5:23-32; Col. 1:18,24 - and this family is in Jesus Christ, the head of the body, which is the Church.
1 Cor. 12:12,27; Rom. 12:5; Col. 3:15; Eph. 4:4 - we are the members of the one body of Christ, supernaturally linked together.
Rom. 8:35-39 - therefore, death does not separate the family of God and the love of Christ. We are still united with each other, even beyond death.
Matt. 22:32; Mark 12:27; Luke 20:38 - God is the God of the living not the dead. The living on earth and in heaven are one family.
John 15:1-6 - Jesus is the vine and we are the branches. The good branches are not cut off at death. They are alive in heaven.
1 Cor. 12:26- when one member suffers, all suffer. When one is honored, all rejoice. We are in this together as one family.
1 Cor 13:12; 1 John 3:2 - now we see in a mirror dimly, but in heaven we see face to face. Saints are more alive than we are!
Heb. 12:1 - we are surrounded by a great glory cloud (shekinah) of witnesses, our family in heaven. We are not separated.
1 Peter 2:9; Rev. 20:6 - we are a royal family of priests by virtue of baptism. We as priests intercede on behalf of each other.
2 Peter 1:4 - since God is the eternal family and we are His children, we are partakers of His divine nature as a united family.
1 Cor. 1:2; Rom. 1:7 - we are called to be saints. Saints refer to both those on earth and in heaven who are in Christ. Proof:
Acts 9:13,32,41; 26:10; 1 Cor. 6:1-2; 14:33; 2 Cor. 1:1; 8:4; 9:1-2; 13:13; Rom. 8:27; 12:23; 15:25,26, 31; 16:2,15; Eph. 1:1,15,18; 3:8; 5:3; 6:18; Phil. 1:1; 4:22; Col 1:2,4,26; 1 Tm 5:10; Philemon 1:5,7; Heb. 6:10; 13:24; Jude 1:3; Rev. 11:18; 13:7; 14:12; 16:6; 17:6;18:20,24; Rev 19:8; 20:9 - Christians are called "saints" on earth.
Matt. 27:52; Eph. 2:19; 3:18; Col. 1:12; 2 Thess. 1:10; Rev. 5:8; 8:3-4; 11:18; 13:10 - but "saints" are also those in heaven united with us.
i just read this on, and though it interesting;.
reader joe ridgel sends me this hypothetical exchange, which i'd not seen before, between one (c) who argues that the accounts in the bible prove christian claims to be true, and another (d) who disputes that premise.
d: was there a road named route 66?
i just read this on, and though it interesting;.
reader joe ridgel sends me this hypothetical exchange, which i'd not seen before, between one (c) who argues that the accounts in the bible prove christian claims to be true, and another (d) who disputes that premise.
d: was there a road named route 66?
D: Was there a road named Route 66?
C: Yes, but i've never seen it.
D: Was there an event called the "Great Depression"?
C: Yes, yes but that was befor my time.
D: You agree that during this time there was also an event called the "Dust Bowl"?
C: Of course, i was told all about it.
D: Do you agree that it is an historical fact that during this time thousands of poor farmers from Oklahoma and Arkansas headed west to California, the so-called "Okies" and "Arkies"?
C: Sure, i do i went to school.
D: Then, using your logic, have I just proved that "The Grapes of Wrath" is not a fictional novel with an historical setting, but an historical, documentary, account of the travels of the Joad family during the aforementioned events?
C: NO the people who told me the answers to the first 4 questions told me "the Grapes of Wrath" was fictional. For ALL the answers to these questions I was forced to rely on the an authority other then myself. Logic did not teach me about "route 66,"the "Great Depression," or the "Dust Bowl." There is a claim that I proven something about a book but I didn't and don't recognize your authority to tell me what "my logic" is.
"Is the Bible inspired?"
Yes, says the Catholic Church, many recognize there authority and agree.
No, say others many recognize there authority and agree.
The Great and Powerful Oz:
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain