Hi gumby,
i thought i would respond to your thread, i really have nothing to add to bluesapphire's explanation. it's more personal to me as a pivotal point in understanding Christianity and my journey to my lord and God. at one point i accepted the bible as inspired by God, Why? honestly, because someone i respected and trust told me it was just like EVERYONE who believes in the bible. i felt a great need for a personal relationship with Jesus, i read the bible over and over old and new together flipping back and forth. when i realized everyone who thinks the bible is inspired thinks that based on the authority of the catholic church. i had to ask who the hell these people were who took books out of it? do i recognize there authority, i couldn't and don't. that meant more books to read, so i read them and came to believe the books were cut because they teach catholic doctrine. At the same time i read the church fathers, Martian Luther and Calvin if you haven't read the church fathers yet i think it's time you did. any way i came to understand Jesus didn't give us a book, he gave us a Kingdom on earth he, gave us the Church, the church gave us Tradition of which the bible is a very important part. i read a lot of twisted posts as to the nature of the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist, it is a tuff one to get your head around. but when i came to understand, i had such a hunger for that sacrament, for the ultimate personal relationship with the lord. i soon came to believe that the Church was founded by Jesus and i received the sacraments of reconciliation, first communion and conformation. for me it was a no brainier i believed in Jesus, so i believed in the bible, so i believed the church had the God given authority to proclaim inspired scripture, so i believed the church was the one founded by Jesus and the one the gates of hell could not prevail over, so i couldn't run from it any more.
There is an old saying, that at least in my case is true: how do you make a man catholic? You get him to stop hating the church.
After all, even the bible allows that god could be all things to everyone.
i don't think it dose allow that. ex: God is not the source of hate and can't be for anyone.
The Great and Powerful Oz:
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain