Any scriptures that prove one needs to DA to be REALLY out of the Borg?
There are no scriptures that mention or apply to the Org at all.
The DA letter is only a form to be filed out for the records of the Bethel corp.
is 'formal' disassociation from the borg a scriptural prerequisite?.
do we have scriptural examples of written statements for disassociation?.
or is it all a jw concept?.
Any scriptures that prove one needs to DA to be REALLY out of the Borg?
There are no scriptures that mention or apply to the Org at all.
The DA letter is only a form to be filed out for the records of the Bethel corp.
i have been thinking a lot since i posted my experience about leaving the troof.
if you haven't read it already, it's here:.
If you want it to be read, Post it in the local newspaper of your old KH as an open letter to the WT.
You could mail copes to the people you feal should know, first hand, just why you are doing what you are.
Your letter of disassociation is only a "form letter" in the Bethel Corp. if you do send in the letter, I hope you are doing it for your own peace of mind.
does anyone here have this experience?
in my old congregation there were a number of sisters absolutely obssesed by the demons.
if a dog barked too loudly when approaching a door on the field service "it is demonized' -- if a refridgerator broke when the co was due round for a meal or after the service "it was demonized".
You can look through the bible forever and you will never find anything but living animals to have been possessed......... going way beyond what is written. Moving in to superstition again.
one of my wife's best friends talked to her yesterday about "the truth".
she wanted to know if they could get together to "talk".
after some conversation, my wife asked her if she thought all the "prophecies" in the isaiah book seemed reasonable.
Does anyone still believe these behaviors are not programed as part of the ongoing conditioning active JWs are subjected to?
i wanna know what you know and think about the possibility that the us may one day end up under un control?.
since you're in the us military, i wanna see what you think i've been reading alot about from person to person conversations and reading about them on books and on the internet.... here's some questions for you.....
Yiz, I may be a pessimist but here is my take.
1. For the US to control the UN's ability to make war &, or for the US to control the way in which the equipment will be utilized.
2. To allow the US to control the training.
2b. I should think it would be cheaper, but then the UN troops would not be used to taking orders from and working closely with US/UN troops.
3. To fight as UN troops. To control the UN the US would need to control the UN's troops, equipment and financing.
the reader's digest of september 2003 has an article on near-death experiences (pp.94-100).
these involve people who have been clinically dead but have revived and reported a sense of consciousness during the period they were "dead".
this has often been cited as evidence of life after death.
In recent years some medical researchers have speculated that these experiences may be evidence that consciousness does not reside solely in the brain. A study by researchers at Southampton General Hospital found that 11 per cent of those who had suffered cardiac arrest and survived had memory recall of the unconscious period. Six per cent of those resuscitated after cardiac arrest reported NDEs.
What is happening with the central nervous system during a hart attack is oxygen deprivation. The people experiencing the attack may be consciousness to a point enabling memory retention but not to the point of bodily control. It may also be oxygen depravation that causes hallucination and the common effect of tunnel vision.
I think it is important to note that hart attack victims still have and use there brain. They are very much alive. they never died. They only starved for oxygen for a shot time and can tell us about that experience.
All in all, this is obvious quackery.
just trying to get my head around this one.
with the jailing last week of a london dub paedophile, i was wondering: .
is it the religion itself that gives these perverts the feeling that they are invincible and immune from punishment when they commit these acts?
The people responsible within the WT, as in any other group practicing policies that protect child abusers, are the policy makers. That is to say, the people responsible for setting policies and insuring that the policies are implemented and run as they were designed to are responsible.
Never forgetting the personal responsibility of the party or parities involved.
we all know that witnesses go door to door in order to give bible studies.
but since their message is so important to them, why don't they use all the available methods in order to reach out to the most people possible.
we live in an era of telecommunications, wireless phones, internet, and so on.
We all know that witnesses go door to door in order to give bible studies. But since their message is so important to them, why don't they use all the available methods in order to reach out to the most people possible.
Bethel is in the print publishing business.
is it possible that the wts comes out with 'new light' in order to hide a secret truth within the higher ranks of its organization?
Charles Taze Russell is buried in a Masons only graveyard.
i was reading "run dont walks" topic on "when the governing body dies off then what happens?
" great post.. what we need to do, since there are alot of just "faded" members of the j.w.
organization here with us is this... next year, all you just faded ones, (the ones not disfellowshipped or disassociated) go to the memorial and "drink the wine and eat the unleavened bread"... .. brilliant isnt it.
hi S. K.
One thing you are overlooking is that if you eat and drink you will be marked as a nut case and closely watched.