The WT Offers promises of eternal life, eternal health and eternal materialistic gains in exchange for your life, helth, and material gains now.
JoinedPosts by willy_think
What Does the WBTS Really Offer?
by Perry inthe wtbs offers solutions.
....eagerly anticipate the global bloodletting of billions of people (the wbts will grind your axe for you so you don't get in trouble with the law), become a prince (in your own mind), be a teacher instead of a student, wear nice clothes instead of janitor work clothes, imagine yourself very intelligent without ever getting an education, feel cock sure that god will vindicate his holy name (and yours along with it.
in other words, show all the people who screwed you over that you really were the smart one), feel very important because even though god has hidden these things from men, he chose to reveal them to you, have your choice of really big expensive houses after the big a hits, save your money by not wasting it on charities, be holy even as jehovah your god is holy, have instant friends without having to go to the trouble of getting to really know them, feel sorry for the misguided (intact) families that attend church, suffer for righteousness sake thereby guaranteeing god's favor, memorize the correct verbage for counseling others (meetings and field serevice), stop 'sighing and groaning' because the wbts will wipe your bum for you, defeat the devil by being on the winning side of a cosmic power struggle, show your loyalty by shunning family members that don't agree with you, possibly meet governing body members at conventions (christ's brothers), eat fresh warm krispy kreme donuts after desparately trying to save lives for 45 minutes on saturday morning, become a bible scholar, save expensive tuition costs by getting the equivalent of a college degree by reading the awake, and last but not least :
What If: What if the GB said Armagedon has started?
by Singing Man inwell, i guess look around and see if it really did or not first.
then if it has i would roll in a ball and kiss my ass good bye.
but if has not i would laugh my ass of again.
After i finished laughing, i would try to buy up as much cheap WT property and equipment as i could get.
Is this for real
by Shanna inwell ive been studying with the jehovah witness for about 3 yrs now and im really thinking about making myself a publisher and i want to know is this website real and why are people talking about hiding their names what are they hiding it for shouldnt you be happy that youre studying with the jw and the jehovah called on you.
and what's up with all the swearing havent you thought about keeping up good lanquage in case someone visits this site and see that and whats up with the half naked pictures of women whats really going on
Hi Shana,
You understand that posting what you posted is enough to get a baptized JW DF and shuned, don't you?
Some religions have questions they can't answer some religions have questions you can't ask. Why not read more and see which category the WT falls into.
Balaam and the assembly of gods
by peacefulpete inan interesting piece that illustrates the shared mythology between palestinian cults is the character balaam.
of course we know the story in numbers 22-24 where he is hailed as a prophet of great power who dispite his desires utters a blesssing on isreal.
the talking ass bit has gotten much attention as obvious storytelling.
There may be a multitude of places where there appears to be little support for the bible, but I'm unaware of where archaeology actually contradicts the bible.
i'm thinking archaeology can prove there was no world wide flood with a look at anchent citys of the world. for example, there is no gap in the time like were asia was unoccuppied since man first entered the content untill now.
Mom's Being Guilted to Shun Me
by Lutece ini thought my mom would never change, that she'd never really go along with the shunning, but last night she wouldn't let me stay to eat at their house when my dad made dinner.
my parents and i have been close all our lives, we've been through a lot together and for her to say that she has to be getting a lot more counsel from the elders.
she is being guilted into shunning me, hoping it will help me eventually come back to the truth.
Sorry about the situation Lutece, sounds like your folks are being warned to follow the shunning tradition or be shunned. shit or get off the pot as they say. i hope everything works out for you.
Who are the A/As on the board?
by starfish422 innot alcoholics anonymous, mind you.
:) atheists/agnostics.
i know there are some of us here; who's with me?
i wish i could answer this one. mostly i believe in God, never do i believe i can know for sure if there is or is not a God and some times i laugh at my self for buying into one set of old myths over another.
in all honsty i would have to answer yes to all at different times of the day.
Calling God By His Name?
by shamus inwhy do jehovahs witnesses insist on calling god jehovah?
would you call your father, dad, or whatever by his first name?.
if we were created by god and he is indeed our "heavenly father", then would it not be blasphemous to call him by his first name?.
The R&F JW can't call god father because under WT doctrine, they are not brothers of Christ or sons of the father, with exception of the anointed.
I believe this to be the fundamental reason the WT insists on not referring ot god as father.
aborting all the baby girls
by plmkrzy in60 minutes tonight, special on aborting all the baby girls in india, it has become an epidemic so severe they have placed a ban on tests that predetermine the childs sex.
now women are going underground to find out the sex of the child and abort it if it is a female.
this has caused an imbalance in the population and men are having a difficult time finding wives.
It's funny how the pro abortion people clam it is a choice about a woman's body, but when it comes down to it, it's always about not having a baby at a bad time or a undesirable type of baby.
i've never herd of a woman having an abortion because she didn't wont to get fat, but i'm sure it happens from time to time.
Are these woman choosing not to get fat or are they choosing to kill there darters?
Once i was pro abortion but then i was also pro infanticide because i couldn't see a difference between sticking a clamp into a baby's soft spot in the birth canal (partial berth abortion) or waiting until it was all the way out. (infanticide) now i understand there is no difference.
How Do You Think A Watchtower Mole Might Act On This Board?
by minimus inat times, we get suspicious that a poster could be a watchtower mole or a person just trying to gather information and present it to bethel.
(i've been accused of that
The WT was a UN NGO for 10 years. within 2 weeks of the affiliation being exposed, on this board, the WT was cuting UN ties and making public denials. They ran so fast for high ground that, to my mind, it could only have been the open informational flood gates of that set them a runing.
It is well known that the WT practices information control. it seems very unlikely, to me, that infomation being circulated about them by third parties like would go unmornerted. Since you can't control or spin info you don't have.
I believe there are non-posting part time monitors.
How Do You Think A Watchtower Mole Might Act On This Board?
by minimus inat times, we get suspicious that a poster could be a watchtower mole or a person just trying to gather information and present it to bethel.
(i've been accused of that
I don't think "WT moles" are as big a problem as "hall rats." You know, the busy bodies who would love to run to the elders and expose the identity of posters they recognize.
Don't say too much about yourself if you wish to remain incognito.
If there were a mole he would be about my size, about my age...................Oh No......I've said too no attention to the man behind the curtain.............