i know you didn’t ask but,
don’t bother showing your brother anything. he is in battle mode and still under the WT conditioning. he will put up walls and you will become his attacker. the way out of the WT is a jagged slow road.
my brother, who has been dfed for many, many years is going to a baptist church.
he just started attending recently and had a discussion with the baptist minister about the trinity.
my brother still believes many doctrines of the jw's.
i know you didn’t ask but,
don’t bother showing your brother anything. he is in battle mode and still under the WT conditioning. he will put up walls and you will become his attacker. the way out of the WT is a jagged slow road.
in my jc meeting i kept on at the elders about love.
that there was no love being shown in the congregations & even toward me on how they were dealing with the whole situation & towards my mother.
i mentioned that there were only 2 commandments given to us - 1. to love god & 2. to love our neighbour.
This brother again went on about how we are all unified 'cos we all study the same publications at the same time....What other religion does this.......and all other religions fought against each other in world war 1 & 2........
Note the brother first states that the religion is unified. With this I believe he is saying that it is the WT as a hole not the individual JW who is bound by the law. He then states that all other religions fight each other this demonstrates a lack of love on their parts implying love on the Wt's part. So he is telling you that the WT does keep the law of love but not as u and I do know it.
I should point out that the statements are false, study does not denote unification, and the Catholic Church reads the same bible versus, and the homily are on those readings, in every church in the world on the same day. If someone were to go to mass every day for 3 years he would have almost the entire bible read to him.
... and evolution, by the way.
if we were designed by an intelligent creator, why the heck do we light-skinned people get burnt to death when the sun is shining?
not very intelligent design... .
Missjones5. With all due respect, the reason that your family doesn't disapprove of mixed race relationships is that it is the product of one.
If his family were not the product of miced races his family would disapprove? Or may the reason do not disapprove is that they are not racists.
as an american, i see words such as cheerio, blimey, bloody (when referring to something negative), loo, bugger, fag (cigarette), etc.
as chiefly british (i suppose they are).. what words and/or phrases do you consider to be chiefly american?
i'm honestly unaware of which words i use that may not be used in other english-speaking countries.
Here in Boston we say
Piss-off or fuck-off
Screw it, fuck it or to hell with it
Good enough for government work or can’t see it from my house
“We had a pissa time at the party” would be we had a good time or bad time depending on how it was said
This is a fine mess or that’s a fine how do you do
No problem
No shit? or no shit!
Oh ya!
that was a wicked good game
have you ever noticed someone who has a 1000 yard (meters for you english types.
well i keep noticing that dub women in particular have this creepy 1000 yard stare.
and then a while after my wife got dunked she and the kids got in one of those picture booths.
If what you are talking about is that dull vacant look. yes I've seen it. I have also seen that look of a shark from elders wives as they watch people chat after the meetings.
dub: <insert your own generic, typical, obnoxious jw comment that hints to, or directly states that the only reason you aren't a dub is because you are some kind of a-hole>.
non-dub: "that is interesting, but maybe i could tell you what i think about that.
see for me, i try very hard not to presume that a person has a dishonest or bad motive behind their choices as a believer of jehovah, because i wouldn't like anybody to treat me that way.
Nice one I'm going to file that away for later use. ty
One thing I used that seemed to have an effect was “I try not to reads that much into the bible.”
For the date thing I like to use use, “so a pyramid to a man god king of Egypt is the temple of your lord?”
i fully admit to only having dabbled in the waters of philosophy up to now.
i kept on being put off by the smell... .
having said that, is there anyone more clued up than me about the subject who can tell me anything that might make me change my mind?.
I see the validly of your statement, but to me the main argument is in the definitions not in what fallows. If we are in complete agreement as to what something is, like right, wrong or love for example then what follows is a matter of classification not philosophy.
i fully admit to only having dabbled in the waters of philosophy up to now.
i kept on being put off by the smell... .
having said that, is there anyone more clued up than me about the subject who can tell me anything that might make me change my mind?.
I’ve read many of your posts and your logic is rock solid
I think Philosophy is a word game we play. To see how long can we talk and seem to make sense without ever truly defining our terms.
In an odious over simplification I offer this question: “what came first the chicken of the egg?”
The answer is the egg. Dinosaurs laded eggs.
So now the question is changed without acknowledging the truth of the answer. “What came first the chicken or the chicken egg?”
The question is really what is a chicken and what is a chicken egg, but if you ask that question the answer becomes that they are only what we agree they are. Without agreement there are no chickens or chicken eggs.
I believe the world to be an absurd place but I play philosophy from time to time.
My personal goal is to live an observed life with as little self-delusions as possible.
we all are identified by our names here on jwd.
some use their real names, and others pick a moniker that is their nickname or perhaps a few words from a song they like.. why did you pick your name?.
for instance,.
Q) will he think?
A) yes i will!!
does anyone really trust their girlfriend/boyfriend around members of the appropriate sex?.
i thought we had some form of trust, but i dropped my biotch off at the car dealership today and noticed a rather long conversation going on with a "questionable" neighbor (one that we've talked about before in a sexual way).
so, how do you go about building trust in a relationship?
If I may add my two cents, try telling your girl her flirtation with other men is causing you pain and and insecurity. If her behavior doesn’t change she doesn’t care about you. dump her ass.