Hi tuck,
What can I say? It is heartbreaking, and all too typical of this monster-publishing house.
To live ones entire life in a dream only becomes tragic upon waking.
i wanted to share this recent incident and it really pi$$es me off.
i called my grandfather yesterday who is a believing but inactive jw due to health reasons.
he is 83 and in very poor health and is alone since his wife died 3 years ago.
Hi tuck,
What can I say? It is heartbreaking, and all too typical of this monster-publishing house.
To live ones entire life in a dream only becomes tragic upon waking.
this doesn't sound right:.
hyatt guests given priority.
at one point friday, the evacuation was interrupted briefly when school buses rolled up so some 700 guests and employees from the hyatt hotel could move to the head of the evacuation line much to the amazement of those who had been crammed in the stinking superdome since last sunday.. how does this work?
you should ask the dumb ass Sara annie, she knows jist what to do in situations like this one.
ive thought about posting this for a good few weeks, and finally decided to now the initial upset and outrage have calmed down in me.
hopefully i will be more objective in my post, and more robust to take some constructive critisism.. i have been divorced 7 years, since my daughter was 1.
50% of the blame was mine, definately.
Don't let him see her at all. He is not good for her in any way.
it has been so long since i had anything to say on this site.
but here it goes.... for those who don't know or remember my story... five years ago i walked out of the kingdom hall for the last time.
it was the weekend after my dad tragically died and just a few weeks after reading sites like freeminds.org.
people live people die, the sky stands the world goes on, kingdom without end.
i am trying to determine if it can be proved that the bible is inspired, and was wondering if most people here believe it is or is not.. i am writing a document on proof of inspiration, but it has ended up more of an article that shows the bible can not be proven to be inspired.
i will be interested in what people think about it when it is finished.
however i am worried that posting such an article may alienate those on jwd that believe the bible to be gods word.
The Catholic Church canonized the bible; (after it is said to have gone apostate) that is its origin. A pope said it is inspired and on his authority we know it is inspired. Jesus gave us a church the church gave us a book that is good and useful for teaching. The book itself does not say it is inspired nor does it claim any authority.
That said no I don’t think the bible is inspired it is only a part of the catholic Tradition. The bible can not give us anything not can it save a single person who studies it.
here is the article without the picture.
my cousin sent the article to me with picture by email but the picture was almost 4 megs so i am posting the article.
pope remembers steffie .
So let me get this straight,
Satan's right hand man said the JW are great and should keep up the good work.....how encouraging....or maybe he is God's man and all is well....i'm so confused...
when people pray does god listen?
does he care?
when prayers are "answered", is that proof of a divine being?
does god listen to prayers?
He would, if he was.
all he said as we watched a little of it last night, is "and that's in the heart of the 'bible belt' of america".......... to me it was a put down of the south, and completely devoid of any understanding.
all i said was: "these people down there have nothing to begin with".
as in another thread, i cannot believe my eyes when i see these thugs are terrorizing hosptials, rescue efforts, etc.
the "looters" should take what thay need. people are starving and naked who in there right mind, would say a company's bottom line is more important then a victoms needs.
street witnessing!
the inspiration for this joke came from seeing a "you can live forever on a paradise earth" brochure on the ground.
Recent placements.
(romans 6:8-11) 8 moreover, if we have died with christ, we believe that we shall also live with him.
9 for we know that christ, now that he has been raised up from the dead, dies no more; death is master over him no more.
10 for [the death] that he died, he died with reference to sin once for all time; but [the life] that he lives, he lives with reference to god.
The Law, the law, the law must be obeyed by man and god. Under the old law any violation was a violation of all the laws. Atonement for that violation must be made by way of animal sacrifice. What sacrifice was available that would be good enough to forgive all the sins of the world? That sacrifice could only be a perfect animal. Without blemish. No such thing in this world, such thing could never come from this world.
Jesus took the form of a slave. In this lowered state he could live and die a man. He came to be sacrificed. He was sacrificed and god excepted it, as the law called for. Fulfilling the law and eliminating the need for future sacrifice.
Jesus was an animal sacrifice
Jesus was an animal sacrifice
Jesus was an animal sacrifice
With all that initials.