The justification is the same as it has always been for an inquisition. submit or suffer.
JoinedPosts by willy_think
Judicial Committees
by Honesty inin light of the following scriptures regarding jesus, how do judicial committees and their members composed of three elders even remotely follow jesus' teaching and example?.
at dawn he went to the temple complex again, and all the people were coming to him.
he sat down and began to teach them.. then the scribes and the pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery, making her stand in the center.
Is baptism necessary?
by ozziepost in
this thread is prompted by some comments on the "unbaptised publisher" thread which was going off-topic so here's the comments thus far:.
stevenyc:the christian meaning of baptism is to have salvation.
To my thinking, the criminal on the cross next to Jesus didn’t repent. He merely asked to be remembered and he was remembered and forgiven. I don’t believe that one necessarily need ask for forgiveness in order to receive it. The God of the bible is not fare and just he, is generous and benevolent. The only thing I understand to be absolutely necessary is Jesus.
Is wanting to be God like wanting to climb back into your mother?
by DavidChristopher inis the goal the beginning or the end?.
was our rebellion nessesary like a mama bird kicking the babies out so they will learn to fly?.
does god want us to be ambitious and intelligent?.
I’ll offer my opinion, if I may, but keep in mind I am not a "good Christian" or JW. I believe there is no god more often them I believe there is one and that can change back and forth many times even in the same day. (but wouldn't it be nice)
Is the goal the beginning or the end?
no, I don't think it is anything more then the journey as they say.
Was our rebellion necessary like a mama bird kicking the babies out so they will learn to fly?
no rebellion, we are as we were made to be. the story is about gaining the knowledge of good (gods will) and evil (disobeying god's will)
Does God want us to be ambitious and intelligent?
ambitious in our quest to love all. intelligent people do not have an easier time loving, forgiving, caring... there is no value in intelligent that I can see, at least to the individual.
How could we ever be a threat when He knows all?
We are no threat to anyone but ourselves.
Does anyone know His real plans for us?
the Farther, the word, and the holy sperit, were talking, telling jokes and lafing...the word said to the farther " hay! do you want to see somthing REALY funny?"
just kidding he has no plans for us, that i know of. we are free to do what he can not, we are to grow, we can become more then we were. For me it is enough, be there a god or not.
~Mormons Not Laughing About Polygamy Comedy~
by FlyingHighNow ini find it hard to be sympathetic to polygamists who are offended by the hbo comedy.
for me the idea of mormon polygamy so disturbing, that i cringed when the california zephyr (amtrak) crossed the colorado/utah border traveling into utah, i immediately got the creeps.
it was just eery.
These guys are the hardest core cultists in the LDS. “GOD” tells the men what he wants and the men tell the woman and children what god wants from them. If they disobey “GOD” the woman are shunned. So if a 15 year old girl tells her dad she will not marry the relative god chose for her, she is shunned by the community. But I think the woman truly want to do gods will, so some will do as they are tolled happy in the knowledge they are serving god.
Show a picture of your paradise
by JH in.
this is where i'd like to live, in a warm climate near the water .
but this is where i live (below) .
We wait, we hope, we dream, but when we picture paradise we see the world as it is today. I think there is a certain irony in there someplace.
by Gill inok. i've just read this in the march 2006 - i reckon its an out and out lie and i challenge anyone to find a school where this is happening.. this is in the young people ask section:.
'how can i say no to sex at school?'.
"every day, kids are talking about sex.
I never had sex in school but one of my buddies did. This was in 1986 so it is not so very new.
John 1:1 in Coptic Translation
by slimboyfat inapparently there has been quite a stir in jw apologetic circles recently about the translation of john 1:1 in the early sahidic version of john.
i don't know if this has been discussed here before - if someone could give a link to a previous thread they know about on the subject that would be great.
here is what i gather: .
Reading this thread the thought struck me, this conversation is a little like debating the structural details of some nonexistent bridge a conman sold us all.
Link +1 / -0 -
I'm sick of Atlanta, where should I move?
by joelbear ini've lived here 17 years.
i can't believe i have stayed put that long.. moultrie 2 years.
ft. walton beach 2 years.
Witnesses.....will they REALLY be any different in the New System?
by gumby inin talking to a fellow ex-dub buddy of mine the other day, it occured to me that in many ways....witnesses could be living the life they expect to live in the new system.......but they don't.. in the publications we see picture after picture of smiling brothers helping each other frame each others new houses ....for free.
we also never see in the publications poor african people walking through aligator/ piranna infested swamps to get to a kingdom hall either in the new system.. .
the fact is......brothers hire brothers in this system to help build their new homes and are taught not to expect free labor, but to pay them as you would the next guy.. with regards to the poor africans.....and others...., the jehovahs witness organisation has enough money to see that fellow believers in poorer countries should not go hungry or be without a meeting place to worship in.
How many more years before no one believes in God?
by JH in.
do you think there will come a time, where no one will believe in god or even talk about him?.
children at school aren't taught religion any more around here since years.. so, how long do you think it will take before no one talks about god anymore?
Some people will always follow this or that God without end. God creator or God the creation, makes no difference because he she it performs the same function in either case. God is our shield against despair. The possibility of continued existence after death is one of the few threads we can grab for when we become overwhelmed by the callous, truly absurd nature of the universe.
Of course when the earth loses its magnetic field all life will end and so will all beliefs.