It IS like he was questioning your ability to care for your children properly. time to dummy up, you may be fealing there love soon. you might like to look into JW's and custody cases.
i have been df'd twice, this time for over 6 months.
an elder called me the other day and wanted to know if i'm renting my house or buying it.
also, he wanted to know who keeps my children while i work.
It IS like he was questioning your ability to care for your children properly. time to dummy up, you may be fealing there love soon. you might like to look into JW's and custody cases.
in luke 13:20,21 it says: "and again he said: 'with what shall i compare the kingdom of god?
it is like leaven, which a woman took and his in three large measures of flour until the whole mass was fermented.".
i've been thinking about this.
luke 31.18-21
i think it is a mistake to take too small a quote out of the bible so i'll talk about both parables if i may.
two parables used to illustrate the future proportions of the kingdom of god that will result from its deceptively small beginning in the preaching and healing ministry of jesus. you can find hem paralleled in Mt 13.31-33 and Mk 4.30-32
these are parables of remarkable growth conveying the living, dynamic sense of the "kingdom of god" fulfilling promises
like Dan 4.10-12 Ezek 17. 22-24; 31.2-9
willy think: thread killer
*church lady*........."could it be........satan"
regarding the "my boyfriend is a jw" post, with all of the hmmmm's.
the meaning of hmmmmm?
and what makes you go hmmmmmmmm?.
hi concerned mama,
have you asked yourself questions like these
why am i leting the WT into my kids life? what good do i hope will come from it? how will it all end for her if it keeps going like this? how can i keep her first big crush from crushing her?
only you can know what the right thing to do is.
1 Cornthians 13.4
i am just a young teenager, and my first ever boyfriend is a jw!!
at that time i didn't even know what a jw was, no one at school ever really mentioned anything.
i had no idea what i was getting into.
hi birdie,
looks like some people don't think you are who you say you are. i must admit i thought the same thing, but decided to respond to you as you presented yourself. if you are a kid you need kindness if your not a kid you need kindness too. so what is the difference.
a lot of girls and women think thay can "change" or "help" there boyfrends. well thay can't change them, at best some can help there boyfrends but at a price to them. i think the posters that ate advising you stay with your frend and "help him" are looking at the benefits to your frend ignoring what it could do to you. you are not his savior. you don't owe him. take care of your self. life is confusing enough as it is without taking on the job of junior exit counselor. trying to help someone else to find himself can get you lost if you are not well crounded and stable. being a frend is one thing, seting out to save a lost sole is somthing very different.
pray for him, care for him, but don't get wrapped up in his problems.
willy think: thread killer
i am just a young teenager, and my first ever boyfriend is a jw!!
at that time i didn't even know what a jw was, no one at school ever really mentioned anything.
i had no idea what i was getting into.
little_red_birdie hi,
i'm sure your frend is a great kid but he is involved in a very dangerous cult. at your age in life it might be best for you to move on to boyfriend nuber two and leave the WT and your boyfriend behind you. i wish i could say somthing else. somthing like it'll be OK just geve it time, or you can help him. but i can't, you are in a difficult position for adults to handle, for a young person entering there teen years it is too much. i'm sorry and wish you and yours well.
i was df'd 6 months ago for smoking cigarettes.
i really reached out for help but had a hard time breaking the habit.
maybe i should have been disfellowshipped, according to why it is done.
hi Iwish,
welcome, hope the venting helped, i know it helps me.
Im not here to bash the WTS
if you are here to learn what the WTS is and what it did to you. you came to the best place. there are good people here to help. i hope you get to know some of them.
willy think: thread killer
never place a period where god has placed a comma.
gracie allen.
this forum is an excellent domain for the expression of subjective and relative truths.
hi Victor,
well said, i get a sense of peace and understanding from your thinking, it sounds like your in a good place now.
If we view ourselves through the eyes of JWs we can easily understand how JWs are victims themselves unable to freely and objectively treat us any other way other than what the Tower has mandated to them.
willy think: thread killer
what i'm debating is this.... and creationist probably wont be able to help.
reproduction is the driving forve of evolution, so why does evolution not simply favour the genes of those that reproduce the most...i.e.
not the most fit, intelligent, etc.. and if this is the case, why does the world not fill up with rampant nyphomaniacs?
rem, well said.
willy think: thread killer
is the lightbulb that just clicked over my head correct?
does the society teach that the entire new testament is written only to the 144,000?.
as i have come to understand the WTs "truth" the NT is only for the 144,000. only thay need to "feed my sheep". only thay are commanded to teach the "good news". only thay will recieve the heavenly rewards through Jesus's grace. the rest of us can only live by the law and wate for the end time.
if i may say, i think, the WT has made one class "christian" and left the other class "jews". but gave the "jew" class all the work of the "NT christian" class but none of the reward, and never grace.
willy think: thread killer