I Do!
Actually it's my favorite game. I usually play on [SGZ]Iceworld.
i decided i need a life....after the watchtower...not that being in there was a life..
so ive taken up playing counterstrike ... again.
anyone here that plays?
I Do!
Actually it's my favorite game. I usually play on [SGZ]Iceworld.
well i have been busy tonight.
if your name is not on the map please post your name and the province you are in..
the org teaches that in the new order those that have been brought back to life will "neither marry or be given in marriage" the earth will be eventually filled by those that make it through the big a.
(if that's the case there would be alot of sex happening in the new order.
i was looking through the photodrama of creation book the other day and read the page dealing with mother eve created (p.9).
The org teaches that in the New Order those that have been brought back to life will "neither marry or be given in marriage" The Earth will be eventually filled by those that make it through the big A.(If that's the case there would be ALOT of sex happening in the New Order for awhile at least)
I was looking through the Photodrama of Creation book the other day and read the page dealing with Mother Eve Created (P.9)
The last paragraph states" Another suggestion has been offered: Jesus declared that those who attain to that resurrection will neither marry nor be given in marriage. As Adam originally possessed all the qualities of character, masculine and feminine, so humanity, when fully restored to the image and likeness of God, will re-attain perfection of individuality. Sex divisions will then be no more. Earth will be filled with sufficient population-Luke 20:35,36"
While I personally don't believe in the "New Order" anymore I would be interested in seeing what Dubs believe will happen. I am not sure if the Society has changed views on this or not but I am sure that JW's would find it at least a bit disconcerting that there won't be sex divisions after the Earth is filled in the New Order.(Are they going to lose their rod and tackle or are they going to morph into something totally different?)
Thoughts anyone?
i've thought about this, the problem is there are so many wonderful choice's, i don't know where to start!
i always had a thing for tiffany, the singer, when i was younger!
Isn't he a member of System of a Down?
If it would be one date it would be with my wife(BTW. Today is our 11th anniversary. Got married at the tender age of 21..lol)
Besides my wife? There are many ladies on the forum I would be honored to go on a date with.
As for stars....Nicole Kidman
"the truth will set you free.
that is what we were always told when learning the wonderful bible truths tm.
freedom from ancestor worship, worrying about an eternity in hell (well, now you had to worry about getting nuked at a. but never mind), if the world would be destroyed in a nuclear holocaust, etc.. what are some of the things you felt you did not have to worry about when you were in, but do now?.
I grew up believing that if I died I would come back to a Paradise. With that belief ingrained in my mind I never gave death much consideration. Of course I was sad when a loved one passed away but I believed that I would see my loved ones again in the New Order. It saddens me to think I wasted time and energy in believing what the org taught me. I regret not having spent more time with my loved ones while they were still alive.
These days I think about how fragile human life is. I think about what will happen when I pass away. To be honest..I find it very unsettling. There are so many different beliefs about what happens at death. I think no one really knows what will happen and that people believe what makes them feel safe inside. I believe that is why people are attracted to the JW's. The hope for the future and answers about death.
I feel cheated by the org because I was lied to.I also accept the fact that being lied to was partly my repsonsiblity as I kept that belief for a long time even though I lost faith in most everything else about the org.
This really hit close to home a few weeks ago. A good friend of mine had a heart attack at the age of 42. He had quit smoking, was eating right and was working out. He had lost a ton of weight and was feeling great. He wakes up Sat. morning with really bad chest pains. He thought it might be indigestion. Took something for it but it didn't help. He called an ambulance and 3 hours later had to be brought back with the electric paddles. His heart had stopped and was later told he had no heartbeat for 45 seconds. He tells me this"You know what else...I didn't see no @#$%^%^ white light."
i'm now officially certifiable ... erm, i mean certified having passed my first exam:.
070-315 developing and implementing web applications with microsoft visual c# .net and microsoft visual studio .net.
i now have 2 more to do to get mcad status (ms certified application developer) and 4 more for mcsd (ms certified soution developer).
Congrats Simon!
my wife will not entertain the thought that the org is not directed by god.
even when presented with constant organizational flip flops she believes its gods direction.
and why not thats what she has been taught since childhood.. is ther anything that seems to work better in reasoning with women inparticular.
I am so sorry to hear she left. If you need anything please call me. No matter what happens you still have family and I will be there for you.I hate the org for what it does to families. I hate the pain it has caused and still inflicts on my family.Please hang in there Uncle and get a good lawyer.
I was a MS,Regular Pioneer and assistant bookstudy conductor.
when they ask, "can i talk to you about god?
" reply, "sure, what would you like to know?
answer the door with a bloody knife and say, "i'm sorry, could you come back in a half hour?
I would just tell them that I would appreciate it if they did not call on my house. Please make a note on your records that this is a Do Not Call. Thank you and goodbye!
jgnat wrote "I don't think it is fair to call a lurker a "spy".
Your right. I was a lurker for awhile before I took the plunge and signed up. I feel that there are people that visit this site "lurk" a bit glean some info and move on. On the other hand they just might sign up and become a member of this forum.
It also wouldn't surprise me if dubs visited this site to see if they can figure out who the posters are. I remember how nosy some in the org are. Always looking for a chance to trip you up or get you in trouble. Not really spies but troublemakers IMO.
I was thinking mostly about spies in NY or in other branches throughout the world. I think it is possible but as to whether it has happened I don't know.
I know I would feel sorry for the poor sap that got the assignment though.lol