Topics Started by worf
"The Point" Concerning All Religions
by worf in"if we go back to the beginnings of things, we shall always find that ignorance and fear created the gods; that imagination, rapture and deception embellished them; that weakness worships them; that custom spares them; and that tyranny favors them in order to profit from the blindness of men.".
baron d`hobach.
the system of nature (1770).
Suicide and Explosion at Kingdom Hall
by worf indon't know if this was already posted:.
see below news story on suicide in a jw kingdom hall.. .
ad link ad link bates city church explosion kills onelast edited: saturday, 26 jul 2008, 9:41 pm cdt created: saturday, 26 jul 2008, 6:41 pm cdt investigators searched the scene of an explosion at a jehovah's witness' kingdom hall in bates city, mo.
Serena Williams and her "god jehovah"
by worf inafter losing the wimbledon championship to her sister venus, serena williams was being interviewed on the court yesterday, and here is part of what she said: "i thank my god jehovah for being out here".. okay, so according to her words, jehovah blessed her by allowing her to be there to participate in a competitive sports championship match.
and not just any match.
Saturday's Conference Call
by worf indid anyone hear this past saturday's conference call with rick?.
one of his guests brought out how back in 1989 the wt was considering whether or not they should disfellowship those in the congregations who were overweight!
their rationale for this was that since smoking was already a disfellowshipping offense and since smoking is bad for your health, being overweight is also bad for your health, therefore should it be made into a disfellowshipping offense.
by worf inyesterday we had a thread asking for information about abuses by gb members.
i responded by posting information concerningdaniel sydlik.
some have requested copies of this information.
More Confirmation
by worf inhere in jamaica queens new york, one of the congregations is named, rochdale congregation.
my brother-in-law went to the meeting at this congregation this past sunday and he saw that notices from the wts have been posted on the bulletin board which officially say that the wts is moving all printing operations upstate to either patterson or wallkill.
Brooklyn Assembly Hall
by worf inyesterday, i was once again told that the brooklyn assembly hall has been sold.
i was also told by a current witness that the sign has been taken down from the assembly hall.
just passing on what i have heard.
Brooklyn Assembly Hall
by worf ini have been told that the brooklyn assembly hall located on flatbush avenue in brooklyn new york and otherwise known as the albemarle theatre, has been sold.. has anyone else heard this?
can anyone here confirm this?.
thanks for any info.. worf
by worf ini spoke to the bklyn da's office today and explained some details about the pedophile coverup within the wts.i told him about the list of 23,720. he asked me if i had specific cases of child abuse from bklyn.
i had to tell him i don't personally know of any.therefore if anyone on this board knows about any wts pedophile cases from bklyn ny, please either call the bklyn da at 718-250-2340 or you can e-mail me at [email protected].
they did at least seem interested in this situation but it seems like it will take actual cases to convince them that something should be done.