Incidently, as an aside, when the wife and I were dating, I was only 17, so we got the wringer for it big-time. She had a lot of friends in our cong who stopped talking with her, we stopped getting invited over for witness gatherings, etc.
While we were never 'officially' disfellowshipped (at all, actually, as far as the cong knows, we're just really, REALLY inactive ), we were effectively so. It was so bad, the wife could not take it any more, and we ended up moving congregations. Didn't help any - the cong only 'love bombs' new members when they are STUDYING. If you are already baptized, when moving to a new cong, you're expected to just snap right in place, I guess.
We didn't, and that's what finally made her lose interest. She got a REAL dose of what their version of 'christian love' is like, 3 times in a row (the first was when her wordly grandma was dying, and she was the sole caretaker because her entire family - still in the area - were too busy going to meetings and such to help. That the congregation thus was friendlier to them, had them over for gatherings more, and helped them more than my wife as she missed meetings caring for her dying grandma, made her a little bitter. I think probably her being counselled for missing too many meetings just before her grandma actually died was a real slap in the face.)
Then, of course, what you are seeing here. The effective (or, in your case, actual) DFing for picking the 'wrong' mate. And, finally, not being able to be accepted anywhere.
Yeah, REAL 'christian love' these guys have. Given you believe the bible, how did Jesus say you'd recognize his followers? By the amount of time converting others? By the number of talks you give? By the sheer volumes of prophecies made in his name?
How did he say you'd recognize them?