JoinedTopics Started by XJWBill
The Natural Law fallacy and Homosexuality
by JanH inthere is a fallacy of logic that is so common that few people realize that it is, indeed, a fallacy of logic: the fallacy by appeal to nature.. one argument against homosexuality goes something like this:.
the natural use of the reproductive organs is obviously to make children.
using these organs in a way that cannot produce children is unnatural and thus ethically wrong.. .
Question from a newly DF'd chick...
by praying_mantis inhello again...now that i am officially a horrible, unrepentant sinner (in the eyes of a polyester slack wearing, mini van driving, anal retentive man whore), i have a question (actually several, but i will start with one!
) brace yourselves: it is about 1975!.
where in the wt was the "prophecy" made?
by MacHislopp inwe have never read " officially " about homosexual problems at the.
bethel in new york , but can often read something that the wts wrote .
abouth other religions: .
Mohammed, Christ, Mother Teresa, and Voltaire
by XJWBill in"muhammed is my savior" is a very interesting thread, and i'd like to get my two cents in, but am starting a new thread since the first has gotten so long already.. first off, let me say that i can't bring myself to criticize the personal beliefs of any ex-witness; i remember only too well the sense of relief-from-imprisonment i felt after i walked away.
for a long time afterwards, i was, at best, agnostic and open to lots of religious and spiritual ideas that i would never have entertained before.
it was sort of a pendulum effect: i grew my hair down to my shoulders, took up cigarettes, and listening to hard rock.
JW's & alternative medicine
by slipnslidemaster inin one of the threads i read today, they were talking about looking into your eyeballs to diagnose cancer and the like.
also selling herbs.. my comment and question is this: it seemed like in my congregation and the surrounding ones, alot of the sisters were into kineseology, reflexology, herbs, vitamins, color therapy, aroma therapy, etc.. alot of touchy feely hippie crap.
while i personally agree that there needs to be more synergy with eastern and western medicines, it would appear reading the boards that alot of witnesses are into this sort of stuff.. is this your experience?
What makes us so Compliant.
by Jang inthere is not only a personal need to agree with others but strong pressure exerted by the group on any person with different opinions to comply with the majority.
promises, arguments, and threats are used to get agreement.
"to have friends, you have to get along.
Did the elders keep secret files on us?
by XJWBill inhowdy all,.
i've recently discovered all the great ex-jw sites on the internet, and i've enjoyed reading other people's stories.
but a few passing comments in some stories have made me wonder: do or did the elders keep files on individuals in each congregation?
by Amazing indeceptive jw elders #1 .
on h20 i posted a justice series with 12 judicial case experiences for the purpose of showing how decisions are made, and to highlight the poor training, lack of education, and often the incompetence shown by watch tower appointed elders.
even those of us with a measure of secular education were often untrained in essentials of dealing with peoples personal and emotional problems.
Face/Pyramids on Mars! What do you think?
by qwerty inthe things you look into without the wt cynical mind behind every thought.. [ http://www.geocities.com/area51/6683/cydonia-face.html].
qwerty .
justa surfin!
Field Service is Officially Over Forever!
by professor ini hereby urge every single one of jehovah's witnesses nationwide to stop going out in field service!
according to the january 1, 1989 watchtower, our obligation to field service officially ended last year!:.
the apostle paul was spearheading the christian missionary activity.