But sister, you forgot these very important presentations:
1. Are You a Secret Self-Abuser? A one-hour talk by an old codger with a shrill voice who hasn't had an orgasm since 1958, explaining how those pecker tracks on your sheets can and MOST DEFINITELY will lead to spiritual weakness, blindness, insanity, hairy palms, syphillis, scrofula, leprosy, tonsilitis, homosexuality, psoriasis, elephantiasis, bestiality, schizophrenia, kleptomania, athlete's foot, leukemia, chronic boogers, anal sex, oral sex, baldness, three-way sex, hangnails, group sex, hallucinations, missing meetings, rebellious spirit, pigeon toes, heart disease, chocolate cravings, alcholism, drug addiction, sterility, PMS, priapism, nymphomania, pornographic fantasies, nudism, communism, capitalism, materialism, atheism, Catholicism, Judaism, Hinduism, voodooism, jizmism, and incurable acne. Not that Jehovah will strike you dead at Armageddon if you do unnaturally manipulate the gift of your genitals--He will merely let you rot away very slowly with a loathsome disease while the vultures pick out your eyeballs and all your loving but spirit-directed friends stand around saying, "EEEEEUUUUUUWWWWWW!"
2. Keeping Jehovah's Organization Clean and Free from the IRS. A five-minute, in-depth analysis of the Society's finances by a BROTHER FROM BROOKLYN (at whose name every head should bow), along with a stern warning to stay humble and not poke your damn nose into their business, since they are spiritual Israel, spiritual Levites, spiritual Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, Elijah, Elisha, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Micah, Nahum, Amos, Andy, Popeye, Malachi, Habakkuk, and Shuttahellup. Delivered while the Theocratic Orchestra plays during lunch break.
3. Your Kingdom Come--When? An interminable review of Biblical chronology year by year from 4026 B.C.E. onward, along with a slide show of startling archeological discoveries in Jerusalem, demonstrating conclusively that a broken sewer main from 753 B.C.E. corresponds precisely with Judge Rutherford's assumption of the Watchtower presidency in 1919 C.E., as foretold and confirmed in minute detail by the prophet Obiwankenobi and this photograph of an ancient Israelite spittoon. Thus armed and blessed with Jehovah's foreknowledge, delivered by his faithful and discreet slavedrivers, let's all get out there and really SELL THOSE PAPERS (IRS, take note: it's just a saying. We don't really mean "sell" sell....)
4. (For congregation elders only) A special meeting with the District Overseer at 5 a.m. Saturday morning. Topics will include: Money-lending, Sheep-smiting, Double-talk, Newspeak, Thoughtcrime, Character Assassination, Home Spying, Intermediate Intimidation, and Theocratic Kowtowing. Bring your own binoculars to practice with because the Society can't possibly afford to pay for everyone's, you know!
"If we all loved one another as much as we say we love God, I reckon there wouldn't be as much meanness in the world as there is."--from the movie Resurrection (1979)