Wannahelp, your concern for your friend is commendable. However, without questioning your sincerity, I do want to suggest that some of your concern might be a little unhealthy for both of you.
First of all, you don't say whether you are male or female, or how old you are. Please forgive me if I am wrong, but you do sound in some way a little "jealous" of this organization that your friend has devoted his life to.
Second, it does sound like you are extremely anxious to "fix" your friend. In my own life experience, it's always been a bad sign when that feeling crops up. I want to suggest that it may be a sign of the desire to control your friend rather than accept him--which is what real friendship is all about.
Friends allow friends the right to be wrong. Whether you think they are wrong about religion, politics, smoking, drinking, sex, marriage, hairstyles, or window treatments, a real friend, in my book, either agrees with you--or stays discreetly silent about it. (Of course, there are exceptions to this rule in extreme cases, like potential suicide or homicide.)
Third, it is an immutable law of human nature that you just can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped! In your account as written, I'm not sure I hear that this young man is desperately seeking a way out of his religion. I do seem to hear that YOU are desperately seeking a way to get him out of it.
The fact is, all our ex-JW bitching and griping aside, it is perfectly possible to live a long and happy life as a Witness, especially if one has many supportive friends and family in the organziation. It was good for me in many ways when I was in it--but I had to come to see for myself that my greater happiness lay elsewhere.
There are many worse ways to live than the JW's. You admit that your friend is "loyal, ethical, sincere, hardworking, and honest." Is that really so bad?
As life rolls on, I find it more important to examine closely and sincerely MY OWN true motives than to be continually scrutinizing my friends.
One of the pleasures of life as a non-JW is relief from the feeling that I, personally, must save the world and everyone in it from taking the wrong course.
Perhaps I've read you all wrong, and if so, I apologize. These are just my thoughts; others may have better ones to offer. Love your friend and do as you please.
"If we all loved one another as much as we say we love God, I reckon there wouldn't be as much meanness in the world as there is."--from the movie Resurrection (1979)