I would be like:
"Nice try, you can't ban ideas. EPIC FAIL"
the un has banned religion.
what are you're thoughts?.
also changes to it seem to be on the way.... http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/12/trump-vows-israel-vote-161224040133216.html.
I would be like:
"Nice try, you can't ban ideas. EPIC FAIL"
the governing body of jws has made several claims that are actually falsifiable.
and, sure enough, they were falsified.
the soviet union is the king of the north.
The Governing Body of JWs has made several claims that are actually falsifiable. And, sure enough, they were falsified. Here are the ones that I can think of:
december 28, 2016 to all congregations re: one study edition of the watchtower in languages other than english.
dear brothers:.
for several years, the simplified edition of the watchtower has been produced in french,.
So, as per usual, if you speak English, Jehovah gives you lots more spiritual food. Up yours if you don't read English.
Obamacare = discounted insurance for low income people, it's not free. And it is not cheap enough for Bethel to use it.
US Bethel is still self insured medically. The Canadian government on the other hand, may be paying for Bethel health care.
put together the bible canon, came up with the name jehovah.
spread the basic christian message across the globe.
got rid of all the false gods of the roman empire and gods of other nations as well.
One more thing, if Satan is the leader of Christendom, then Satan put the Bible books together.
put together the bible canon, came up with the name jehovah.
spread the basic christian message across the globe.
got rid of all the false gods of the roman empire and gods of other nations as well.
The GB always gave props to Christendom as part of the "net" (Matthew 13:47), since all these things are obvious. "Tell us about all that growth in Muslim countries again?"
However a few years ago GB 2.0 put the kibosh on that.
The bad fish used to be Catholics and Protestants, now it's old Bible students, inactives, and apostates.
well here am i, a couple of years passed since my original post (link here), somewhat less mysoginistic, more open to relationships, heartbroken again.
this is an official "fuck my life" thread.. being chased by the elders makes one arrive at the conclusion that there is nothing better than not being chased by the elders.
i had a pre-jc meeting a week ago.
Did you hear the one about the two Irish guys that walked out of a bar? Me neither.
having seen a few of these tv productions and some youtube clips of their assembly parts, how can jehovah's witnesses really take these silly little men seriously?.
you take one look at them; their overweight, fat little bodies.
their entirely shabby, overhanging suits.
If you can get a teenage girl to look lustfully at you, like good old Michael Travesser here obviously can ...
The GB got nothin' to worry about.
so just finished telling your concerns about the pedophiles cover up, failed prophecies, revisionists history and lack of financial transparency.
so elders ask you the questions.
" so does this mean you don't want to to be a jw anymore?
I want to really screw with an elder by saying:
"Some days I believe (insert anything here), some days I don't."
for anyone who denies that the wtbts teaches jehovah's witnesses & potential converts lies and perversions of scriptures via their literature, here is a prime example:
w88 2/15 p. 9 further corrective counsel - "but because of human imperfection, at times serious disputes will occur.
jesus also provides guidelines for handling them.
This isn't just an "elder" issue. This is a JW issue as a whole. It is supported by everyone, from the GB to the R & F. Don't forget, elders are brainwashed cult victims as well. I was one for 14 years.