"free at last free at last...I've finally found what I've been looking for...peace."
Posts by zanex
first time post
by zanex inwow...i am floored...it has been damn good to read some of the posts..i never thought there were so many people with the same prob's.
been df'd for a few years and still have an elder dad and a very devout mom who constantly make me feel like i am a "stain" if not for my "worldly" wife i dont think i wud be here to make this post...
An elder called me the other day............
by IWish4Truth ini have been df'd twice, this time for over 6 months.
an elder called me the other day and wanted to know if i'm renting my house or buying it.
also, he wanted to know who keeps my children while i work.
from the sounds of it all I can do is echo what everybody else is sayin here.."any elder snoopin is an elder lookin to make trouble" and when it comes to yer kidz a great person here told me to "stick to my gunz" families have been broken up probably more times than I can count becuz of elder interference...I wud reccomend the same to you...trust is something that can be abused very easily in the hands of a misguided elder who thinks that he is doin the right thing...tell him to MHOFB (mind his own fu*@ business)
I'm A Sinner Now
by LB ini went to my very first christmas party since i got stupid and got baptised a few years ago.
i wasn't sure what to expect, after all these pagans are capable of anything, right?
sooo i put on clean underware, just in case nudity or sex was involved.
if you thought christmas was wild then wait til new years..then the real pagans come out to play..lol..halloween is even better..then all the psycho worldlies come out to haunt the serviced, pioneered, eldered streets with gifts of eggs and toilet paper..LOL damn I love bein FREE!
they wont leave me alone!
by zanex ini have a problem..i have been df'd for like 6 or 7 years i lose count but point is my parents are still stuck in the alternate dimension called jw and they seem to think that there is still a "chance" for me.
lol..funny shit i think but anyway, the town i live in just happens to house some of my friggin elder pop's elder friends...like i thought when i got df'd that meant they would leave me alone but now that i have a wife and kid that arent jw related at all my parents seem to think that my wife will "convert" i trust my wife better than that and i know that there is no way that she would ever do that..she is as cynical as i am..my prob is that they have infiltrated me at my work and i dont want to have to be an asshole about it but i just need them to leave me be...anybody got any ideas on things i can do shy of buying a fully automatic weapon and perching myself on my front doorstep?
anyway..i can hear the psychiatrist callin my name...lol..
my parents are 3 states away and I have ZERO contact with ANY family jw's oher than those one or two times that I felt obligated to introduce my parents to their first granddaughter and my sis to her first niece..I thought that maybe that would make things better and got duped again...I might of had the word "disfellowshipped" tatooed on my forehead for all they cared..lol
they wont leave me alone!
by zanex ini have a problem..i have been df'd for like 6 or 7 years i lose count but point is my parents are still stuck in the alternate dimension called jw and they seem to think that there is still a "chance" for me.
lol..funny shit i think but anyway, the town i live in just happens to house some of my friggin elder pop's elder friends...like i thought when i got df'd that meant they would leave me alone but now that i have a wife and kid that arent jw related at all my parents seem to think that my wife will "convert" i trust my wife better than that and i know that there is no way that she would ever do that..she is as cynical as i am..my prob is that they have infiltrated me at my work and i dont want to have to be an asshole about it but i just need them to leave me be...anybody got any ideas on things i can do shy of buying a fully automatic weapon and perching myself on my front doorstep?
anyway..i can hear the psychiatrist callin my name...lol..
good to hear yer words of angst ridden support outlaw! I know I can alwayz count on ya..heh heh. Yah if I had my way I wud be stirning much colorful methaphoric phrases left and right their way...but my wife and her family are not familiar with the jw mentality and so when I get cold and assholish towards my parents and sis they are shocked that I could be so cold to them. My parents come around maybe twice a year and it is just enuff to f* with me. My mother is in constant contact with my wife tryin all her "preachin tactics" and it kida bugs me eventho my wife just laughs my mother off...and if I have to punch someone out I know exactly which one it will be..heh heh..on the upside the psychotropic drugs have been workin quite well lately..lol
they wont leave me alone!
by zanex ini have a problem..i have been df'd for like 6 or 7 years i lose count but point is my parents are still stuck in the alternate dimension called jw and they seem to think that there is still a "chance" for me.
lol..funny shit i think but anyway, the town i live in just happens to house some of my friggin elder pop's elder friends...like i thought when i got df'd that meant they would leave me alone but now that i have a wife and kid that arent jw related at all my parents seem to think that my wife will "convert" i trust my wife better than that and i know that there is no way that she would ever do that..she is as cynical as i am..my prob is that they have infiltrated me at my work and i dont want to have to be an asshole about it but i just need them to leave me be...anybody got any ideas on things i can do shy of buying a fully automatic weapon and perching myself on my front doorstep?
anyway..i can hear the psychiatrist callin my name...lol..
well there is an elder who does some contract work with my office and he coincidentally knows my pop..he casually throws out small invitations to meetings and asks about my dad or mother or sister who he is more allowed to talk to than I am. Then toppin that one is the mother/daughter team of jw's that volounteers at the agency...they are nice but eternally leaving wtowers and awakes in the office and I cant stop that one. In the non-profit sector all religions have rights to advertise and I understand that but it just brings up too many old feelings of hostility and I dont want to be a jerk...
I may have made a bad mistake
by Eyebrow inan old friend of the family stopped by my house last night.
i had not seen him for about two years.
he was disfellowhispped about 3 or 4 years ago, but would drop in every now and ask me business related questions.
thats a mighty adorable little girl you have there..I have a 10 month old baby girl...I love it! as a response to the post I wud be careful..even one reinstated jw can cause problems...the body of elders cud come down hard for info and any info in an elders hands is bad info...
they wont leave me alone!
by zanex ini have a problem..i have been df'd for like 6 or 7 years i lose count but point is my parents are still stuck in the alternate dimension called jw and they seem to think that there is still a "chance" for me.
lol..funny shit i think but anyway, the town i live in just happens to house some of my friggin elder pop's elder friends...like i thought when i got df'd that meant they would leave me alone but now that i have a wife and kid that arent jw related at all my parents seem to think that my wife will "convert" i trust my wife better than that and i know that there is no way that she would ever do that..she is as cynical as i am..my prob is that they have infiltrated me at my work and i dont want to have to be an asshole about it but i just need them to leave me be...anybody got any ideas on things i can do shy of buying a fully automatic weapon and perching myself on my front doorstep?
anyway..i can hear the psychiatrist callin my name...lol..
I have a problem..I have been df'd for like 6 or 7 years I lose count but point is my parents are still stuck in the alternate dimension called jw and they seem to think that there is still a "chance" for me. lol..funny shit i think but anyway, the town I live in just happens to house some of my friggin elder pop's elder friends...like I thought when I got df'd that meant they would leave me alone but now that I have a wife and kid that ARENT jw related at all my parents seem to think that my wife will "convert" I trust my wife better than that and I know that there is no way that she would ever do that..she is as cynical as I am..my prob is that they have infiltrated me at my work and I dont want to have to be an asshole about it but I just need them to leave me be...anybody got any ideas on things I can do shy of buying a fully automatic weapon and perching myself on my front doorstep? anyway..I can hear the psychiatrist callin my name...lol..
Do You Still Believe a God Cares for You?
by JosephAlward ini've been a part of this forum for about one month, and during that time i've been struck by the willingness of many so former jehovah witnesses either to ridicule the bible, or to stand by while it's being ridiculed.
so, i'm wondering how many of them while witnesses suffered through experiences so searing that they no longer believe in the god of the old testament.. who among you still believe that underneath the layers of contradictions, inconsistencies, and errors in the bible there may be found the words of a god who created the universe, and who also cares about you, personally?.
joseph f. alward.
do I believe in a god that cares for me personally? good question..I dont have as good of an answer...at the point I lost/left my faith behind it was a choice between belief in a god that at that point was scarring and emotionally traumatizing me or belief in that god an suicide...I think I made the right choice..I am still here to talk about it and my worldly wife and daughter also think that I made the right choice too...then to be df'd by that same religion was a breath of fresh air...atheism til my baby girl was born then agnosticism but never never again will I go back to that hole of jwville...
Justice #21 - Analysis of JW Justice
by Amazing injustice #21 analysis of jw justice .
many of you are relatively new to this board and may have missed much of my justice series, and the introduction to its purpose.
this seems like a good time to refresh this series for your benefit, and to add some additional thoughts:.
I am a df'd one for about 8 or 9 years and I have to say that your post spoke to me in volumes. When I was df'd my life went through some massive psychological and emotional damage. My parents who were and still are loyal devout jw's cut me off and to this day still do, eventho the elements of my life at the time I was df'd and my life now are completely different. It was only through the love and the support of some "worldly and bad association" people that I am alive to see today. My dad is an elder and to this day hangs the fact that he has to minimize or stop all contact with me. I have a wife and a daughter now and it is becoming a danger to them...I totally agree with you about the elimination of the whole "disfellowhipping and disassociating" practices. Support from me 100%. In the meantime I will just find a nice spot in this insane asylum that I like to call "df land" got a nice straightjacket of the membership too...lol