sorry Bathory but when I was a JW i kidded myself that all Jonnadubs were created equal (of course now I've seen Focus class list I know better ;)
cheers, unc.
someone i know recently attended one of the kingdom ministry schools for elders.
he indicated that after one session, he approached a speaker and told him how much he enjoyed the man's speech.
the speaker replied, "jehovah's blessing.".
sorry Bathory but when I was a JW i kidded myself that all Jonnadubs were created equal (of course now I've seen Focus class list I know better ;)
cheers, unc.
someone i know recently attended one of the kingdom ministry schools for elders.
he indicated that after one session, he approached a speaker and told him how much he enjoyed the man's speech.
the speaker replied, "jehovah's blessing.".
LOL Alan,
"Jehovah's blessing" sounds much like "bless you my son" but presumptuous to the point of blasphemy. Is the speaker in question one of the braindead remnant who believes he's in direct comunication with Jehovah already? Does he know what religion he's in? It's a shaking head wonder but no big surprise in JW land. Did your friend then berate the speaker like we lowly ones would have in the old days or did he let the silly b*****d 'get away' with it? I get the feeling even light constructive critisism is not appreciated by those climbing the greasy power pole nowerdays.
That would have freaked me out more than the English bro who used to annoy with "pray for me" whenever we parted or my pioneer partner who'd casually thank Jehovah for everything from the toothpaste to the tomato sauce.
is there a cure for the cancer that is growing on this board?
i discuss this below and think there is and maybe you will like it.
if you didnt know it already, im a veteran of web-based communities and i can trace my virtual roots to living in the first generation of online hangouts (which were direct dialup electronic bulletin boards before the web was around) like the well and echo.
G'day SirFred,
You're looking nice and fluffy today. You are quite right of course, a few grumpy old men do not a good board make but this place has a fantastic mix of longwinded smartarses and stubby short prickers.
I think the hurley burly is great even when i get worn down by tarbabies who must have the last say.
regards unclefluffybruce
dear lord,.
the presbyterian church in putney is selling the rights to its steeple for $20,000.
hutchinsons telecommunications, a sydney mobile phone company, has offered the church $14,000 and the installation a lovely new electronically enhanced celtic style cross to transmit yuppy phone calls over the heads of us all but church officials are holding out for another $6,000.
Hey Marylin,
I was wishing Jesus a Happy Birthday silly, not myself. lol (I'm a Taurian bull like Farkel)
I think its funny how JWs say there are only two birthdays mentioned in the bible but overlook the biggest birthday party of all - Baby Jesus birthday bash. (pretty wild night I hear .. like animals they was rolling in the hay) Some Christians eh? when a grumpy ol' agnostic like me can raise his eyes skywards and wish Jesus happy birthday yet all JWs just keep thier eyes down looking for lost coins and avoiding men in red suits.
Merry Xmas and Happy Birthday Marilyn (keep ya fluff warm ;) unclefluffybruce
(pst .. don't worry, i'm not turning christian, but i don't want jesus to know that)
dear lord,.
the presbyterian church in putney is selling the rights to its steeple for $20,000.
hutchinsons telecommunications, a sydney mobile phone company, has offered the church $14,000 and the installation a lovely new electronically enhanced celtic style cross to transmit yuppy phone calls over the heads of us all but church officials are holding out for another $6,000.
Dear Lord,
The Presbyterian Church in Putney is selling the rights to its steeple for $20,000. Hutchinsons Telecommunications, a Sydney mobile phone company, has offered the Church $14,000 and the installation a lovely new electronically enhanced celtic style cross to transmit yuppy phone calls over the heads of us all but church officials are holding out for another $6,000.*
Well Lord is this your idea or are you gonna lose it and upend thier steeples over for turning the house of your father into an electromagnetic reciever and the symbol of your sacrafice into a money making, glow in the dark message bouncing radio beacon? Is having radio transmission equipment installed to the roofs of Churches throughout Christendom a secret plot by Satan to send subliminal messages against Jehovahs people or is this all part of the Divine Plan of the Ages?
Is installing electromagnetic lightning attractors to the high points on all of Babylon the Great's buildings so Rutherford riding the green horse can more accurately direct lightning bolts against his enemies? Hey Jesus who's in charge up there anyway? Watch that ol' Judge lord or before you know it you'll be out in the cold and Joe Booze 'll be in yer seat peering curiously into your dads right ear and eyeing off the chariot keys.
happy birthday, unclefluffybruce
* Sun Herald Sunday December 16 2001 page 9.
when an employer resorts to comments like 'who sign's your check?
' or 'are you biting the hand that feed's you?
', it is normally due to some perceived or overt violation of loyalty, or simply to shut the employee up regarding the subject matter at hand.. i don't like the tactic, because it is rarely used in a one on one situaltion, but generally in the ear shot of other's, to squelch the matter.
Having posted a number of articles here and elsewhere on the nett revealing my deepest beliefs in regard to history, mythology spiritism and the like and not seeing any post of yours that I could call profoundly spiritual, I take offence at you labeling me shallow LOL .. not much offence though .. as you know I wouldn't trust your judgement of your fellow posters as far as I could kick it.
So Island Woman shows no respect to the internet Elders big freak'n deal.
when an employer resorts to comments like 'who sign's your check?
' or 'are you biting the hand that feed's you?
', it is normally due to some perceived or overt violation of loyalty, or simply to shut the employee up regarding the subject matter at hand.. i don't like the tactic, because it is rarely used in a one on one situaltion, but generally in the ear shot of other's, to squelch the matter.
You are brilliant .. like a bright star shining in the east pointing the way to the birth of a new era. lol.
Your opening paragraphs were 100% spot on and I'm going back to enjoy this thread. It's very refreshing to read such clearsighted logic. (I was tempted to start my own "respect your Elders" thread but this is much better.)
big girlie (((HUG))) lol. unclefluffybruce
Alan .. I declare Dannyboy's initial premise correct and his chain of reasoning sound. There are those here who use the term "bite the hand that feeds them" in reference to 'the hardworking apostates'. One such fruit loop tossed it at me the other day before spitting a barrage of bile and running away saying i was unworthy of conversing with. lol.
you're a very silly man .. like a dog chasing it's tail while barking up the wrong tree (yeah like you don't understand a word I'm saying again)
You're good at tilting at an undefended Watchtower Alan but know sweet fanny adams about handling real people.
this is the internet, simply put, none of you know anymore about who the other really is or should judge them by the lack of emotional smiley faces in their sentence structure.. first to danny,.
we have spoken on the phone and exchanged a few emails and i consider you a good friend.
you are much like alan in many ways and in others very different.
Hey Farkel,
Why I dumped you as a friend had nothing to do with that conversion you made to fundamental christianity .. I put you in a dumpster because it finally got to me that you wouldn't call Thirdson a moron on H20 - that was just plain mean!
PS: I think i might start a very serious 'why i hate Farkel when he's fluffy' fred. lol
this is the internet, simply put, none of you know anymore about who the other really is or should judge them by the lack of emotional smiley faces in their sentence structure.. first to danny,.
we have spoken on the phone and exchanged a few emails and i consider you a good friend.
you are much like alan in many ways and in others very different.
G'day Dave,
Here's some more mess - you say us Australians live for fluff posts - bullshit .. Next time you see Marylin, Ozziepost or myself starting posts about our favorite T towels or the like give me a call. This place has nearly driven me mad with shallow crap, thats why i went right off about it a month ago (didn't think i'd ever be able to raise my head in here again after saying i hate you all) .. but I'm a changed man, (honest) learning how to fluff it with the rest of you ok.
You also said that 'unc in a very longwinded way (you can talk) was just saying "Alan don't sweat the small tuff"' NO what I was saying was "Alan don't be such an obnoxious, ignorant, judgemental prick." (and he's smart enough to know what I'm talking about)
No reply necessary Dave, just helping ya stack yer chairs.
cheers, unclebruce
a couple of years ago we took our youngest to see sooty.
anyone from the uk will instantly know who i mean sooty is a little glove-puppet bear (?
) who never speaks but has managed to turn himself, over the last 50 years or so, into a british national institution.. sooty has a couple of friends sweep the dog (always my favourite) and soo and various others who appear in his show.
Good post Duncan,
Sooty and sweep came to Sydney a few years ago and my wife had to go see her childhood heros (the 10 and 12 year old daughters refused to come) I killed my childhood hero .. poor old Jehovah may he rest in peace.
Interesting comment Alan. Clueless all the way to the top (that surprises me over here too even though our top is much lower than yours) JWs are trained from an early age in doubt suppression but to see a 60 year old Bethelite still speaking watchtowerisms like he did 40 years ago is nothinhg short of pityfull.