(1) Deviation from the truth
(2) Twisted, empty speech
(3) Efforts to subvert the faith of some and draw away disciples after themselves
(4) Hypocrisy (‘wolves in sheep’s covering’)
(5) Recognizable by their fruits; they ‘advance to more and more ungodliness’
Yeah, like Apostate Paul didn't have his tongue firmly up his cheeks when he said that Pureheart. lol.
Sure ol' Joe Rutherford apostasised from Charlie Russell. Just as the boys in brooklyn writing gradually apostasised from Judge Ratherflawed. Just as Russell apostasised from the Adventists, just as the adventists apostasised from protestantism, just as the protestants apostasised from the Catholics, just as the Catholics apostasised from the Greek Orthodx, just as the Paulian Greek Christians apostasised from Persian Mythraism and Jesus Nazarites, just as the conservative Nazarines apostasised from Judaism (or was that the other way arround ?) just as Zerubberbalian Judaeism apostasised from Egyptian and Moabite thought .. and back we go to the day Eve got fresh and said "here hubby eat this!"
It's just the way of it that religions grow and conservatives allways label the reformers emotive unsavory names like 'apostate and heretic'
cheers, unclebruce