Thinking about how legalistic and lawyeristic the Society is:
Have they ever sued this site for using the domain name of jehovahs-witnesses???
Any masters or etc. that can fill a new dude in?
thinking about how legalistic and lawyeristic the society is:.
have they ever sued this site for using the domain name of jehovahs-witnesses???.
any masters or etc.
Thinking about how legalistic and lawyeristic the Society is:
Have they ever sued this site for using the domain name of jehovahs-witnesses???
Any masters or etc. that can fill a new dude in?
if you've been associated with the witnesses, believing in god was a necessity.
do you still feel that god exists?
if you believe in god, do you feel that he cares about you?
Is there a god?
Yes. Is his name Jehovah? I don't know, but He answers to that name when I pray to him.
That is how I know that He exists, because He answers my prayers. One way or another, in due time. Not just in mere coincidental curcumstance, but in emotional support (allowing me to forget my money worries and sleep) and other ways.
Is He the ultimate Creator? He says He is, and I have no reason to disbelieve Him. Plus I like Him, and if He wants to say He made it all, I'll back Him up on it. It's a harmless statement, anyway.
Are there other gods and goddesses? I haven't needed to find out.
I think that Jehovah is the true Creator of all mankind, because He is still my God, even though I detest Judaism, Zionism, and resent the way that the Jewish sect of Christianity subsumed my native culture. I think He has been misrepresented, because all He asks of me is to live in peace with my fellowman, and to enjoy life, thanking Him for it every day.
several have made outright statements and others have suggested that the society's negative position on higher education has changed.
'the society does not discourage higher education where i live.
' worse, 'apostates have made it all up--the society has never discouraged education.
I commuted from home for two years and attended a university.
At first I majored in Computer Science, in order to "get employment and pioneer". This was right after everything changed about the education in 95.
Then I got majorly depressed - the hereditary chemical imbalances of my mind went haywire - and I dropped out of school and did landscaping and hotel work for a year. I learned quickly that you can't live on minimum wage! I recommend that everyone work a year for minimum wage. You'll be a social liberal in three months.
finally, a bit of anti-depressant later, I went back to school. I moved on campus, and had the time of my life. At first I was uber-Witness, preaching on campus and going to meetings three times a week. Man, that was weird, coming back to the dorm, with everyone in the parking lot staring at me in my suit. But I kept on, got my degree in English writing.
I guess I proved the Society right, however, when I fell in with immoral companionship. Ah, two lovely women and a case of beer, and my long-held virginity was a thing of the past, and good riddance! My taste for the menage-a-trois has never abated, either, heh heh heh...
Now I'm a bohemian, an actor, a writer, and a general hedonist. So I guess I did learn something at college after all.
if you are an 'old timer' and wonder why the watchtower and awake.
magazines are so bland and lacking in content, it may come as no surprize.
to you that it's often because a number of topics are 'off limits'.. that is, certain subjects are so troublesome to the watchtower leadership.
My parents are oldstyle Witnesses - came in in the late sixties.
They've seen it all - the huge increase before 75, the collapse after that, the excitement about the Berlin Wall coming down, the disillusionment after the generation meaning changed. I don't know. That whole house of cards is teetering on the brink of a meltdown.
My mama asked me if I still believe in Jehovah. I said, sure. I just don't believe in the Watchtower, 'cause they're lying fools.
I asked her what she thought. She said she wondered if Armageddon was going to come in her lifetime. Poor woman. I love her so much, and it hurts me to see her virtual reality suffering cracks in its programming.
In 14 years, if I am still alive and the world hasn't poisoned itself, I will be shaking my head as I begin burying the whole generation of idealistic sheep who were fleeced by arrogant, greedy, pigheaded old men.
(of the tired young man picking up the mess of his forefathers class)
i am posting this thread because i've seen some people ask "who are the freemasons?
back a few years ago, i had never heard of the masons before.. then, i had some masons involved in my life, so i did a lot of research into them (at the library, on the internet, in books, testimony by former masons, etc.)..
i will start a thread soon and post my beliefs and opinions on freemasonry.. here are a few things i have found in my research.. in a "well-ordered" masonic lodge, masons are allowed to believe in any god they want to, except jesus christ.. in fact, in a "well-ordered" masonic lodge, the name jesus christ should not even be mentioned.. that makes one wonder, doesn't it?.
Just for the record, Russell's tomb IS next to a big Freemason's lodge here in Pittsburgh. It's a mansize pyramid with an engraved picture of him on it, and some inscriptions of obscure bible texts. I live in Pittsburgh. I've been there many times, even got really piss drunk once and knocked on it three times, spun around, and muttered as much mumbo jumbo as I could muster, trying to summon Him from Beyond. Charley forbore to comment.
The Russellites (as we call those who still have a crush on the orginal) tend to his grave, I understand. It is a subject of occasional vandalism, understandably.
One thing you've got to realize about that area of Pittsburgh, is that it is FULL of graveyards. There's practically one everywhere you look. It's the oldest neighborhoods in one of the oldest cities west of the Appalachians, so there are a lot of dead white people around here. So just because Russell has a grave next to the Freemasons doesn't mean he is a mason. Tons of cemeteries are everywhere.
PS: Abandon your insipid crucified god and worship the Goat!
jehovas' witnesses are an interesting group.
they enjoy the freedoms and liberties that they receive by living in the united states, but at the same time they refuse to partake in voting, national celebrations and have basically created their own nation within a nation.
i find it hypocritical for them to act in this manner and believe that they should gather from around the world and all go and live together on some island.
Ah, Bella,
You're so sweet-sounding. And your statements, like "I want what's best for everyone in this world" reveal your idealistic, if naive, perspective. You are looking for something personal, you say. Could it be that you are not satisfied with the JW world view? I'm not surprised. I wasn't either.
Why are we all here and tossing negativity about the organization like we do? Simple: the Internet has liberated us from the isolation that the organization tries to impose on its former members. We can get together, compare notes, support each other, and above all, say to each other "Hey, my gut instinct about this religion was right! These people are whacko!" If you haven't been disfellowshipped yet, it is a traumatic, character defining experience. Who are you? You don't know until you crack the chrysalis of the JW's and emerge into the world you've always feared.
You have a wonderful viewpoint about the need for a loving relationship with God. But ask yourself honestly, are you motivated chiefly by love, or by fear? Do you truly enjoy your life and everything on this earth like you say you want us to, or do you constantly have to hold yourself back because of fear of Armageddon? Maybe you are getting tired of being intimidated by a bunch of New Yorkers who don't even know you and your situation. Maybe you don't like the sound of "just around the corner" or yet another Watchtower lesson on how we must "respect divinely given authority."
I agree, the people actually are pretty nice, but in all honesty - what is the point of staying with a lying, manipulative organization just because you like some of the people? I suggest you pray about it, but don't be surprised if the answer is to run like crazy away from the nuthouse.
Besides, Jesus used strong language that may have been the equivalent of a cuss word - calling the Pharisees "offspring of vipers" and all of that - could be like calling someone a sonofabitch today. And he lost his temper. And made a ton of wine for people who were already intoxicated. Try reading Ezra Pound's "The Goodly Fere" for a different perspective on the Lord.
Anyway, Bella, welcome to the board, and I hope you find what you are looking for. Even if it's not what you expect.
for several months now i have been writing back and forth to the service dept asking them to explain the difference between "those who simply leave the faith" and those who "went out" (disassociate).
the reason i am curious about this is because "those who simply leave the faith" are not shunned, however those who "went out" (disassociated) are shunned.
i have written twice and received two replies.
I am so lucky. My parents have never shunned me, and most of my old cong. wishes they could talk to me. I love them all, and I look forward to the day when the Watchtower will be dust and ashes and I will be able to help all my old friends to true Christian freedom.
i"ll start by telling you that i was over at my brother in-laws house the other day with my husband.
while there my four year old niece was showing me her new disney video.
my sister in-law turned to my niece and said " sarah , why don't you tell your aunt about the scary video you saw the other day.
You have to remember [if you are reading the Bible in context] that Moses was indisputably the earthly representative of god - pillars of smoke, the parting of the Red Sea, the Ten Plagues etc. etc. So Korah and Co. had no excuse for thinking that anyone else had any right to lead the people - they just thought they could take advantage of the hardships the people were facing to acheive their goals.
The Watchtower is just a bunch of men who don't even have the proof of a single fulfilled prophecy. No wonder God's Word warns us not to get frightened at false prophets!
the visiting co pointed out in his talk that "people who love to practice evil will be destroyed [very strong vocal emphasis on this word] !
" many of you insist he is referring to those whose only "sin" is not being a baptized jehovah's witness and their children.
after my experiences on the internet from ajwr to h2o to this forum, however, i'm beginning to appreciate that all is not "black" and "white" but many shades of gray, many hues of stunning colors, and a mixture.. why not use the words killed or executed to describe the fate of these evil people, i asked the co afterwards?
Blame the apostates for "free sex" - hmmm, I was doing it because it felt good. HEY, who on this board has been twisting arms?!?! Stop it right now, and we can all go back to being good, little, JW's before we're all destroyed, oops sorry, killed - no I mean oh, forget it... :(Gave me a good laugh, and a slight tingly feeling all over!!!
It's not my arm that I want twisted... heh heh heh...
How about a cathouse?
Call it the Brothel Bethel.
Or Club Dubs.
"Feeling guilty over nothing? Let us punish you!"