Gumby:I'm with you on that one.
Wasn't it someone like SwordofJah that was the butt of his wit?
I think it might have been me, actually...
i was just re-reading a thread and saw this line-it makes you realise that some jws would fail a test to become the village idiot.. it made me laugh my butt off, again (same as the first time i guess!
) so i was wondering what other great lines have stuck in peoples minds!
Gumby:I'm with you on that one.
Wasn't it someone like SwordofJah that was the butt of his wit?
I think it might have been me, actually...
lmfho .
lets first start off with the islam.. supposedly, the great prophet mohammed married a 7 year ol girl, but agreed not to consumate the marriage until she was 9.. (must we conclude that the founder of the islam was a pedophile?
now christendom.. mary conceived a child while virgin.
Worse? Both of them fulfill the obligation of a religion, which is spiritual development of the individual. I disagree theologically with Islam, obviously, but I have no objection to their existence or practices.
As far as societal behavior goes, Muslims are clean, work hard, pay their taxes, donate to charity, and as we have seen, vote. Ergo, no worries, mate! Move right in!
Christendom has its strong points too; but your use of the term "Christendom" is rather old fashioned and really refers to the time period in Europe when the Pope ruled unchallenged. I think the modern Christian perspective of tolerance regarding individual belief is a great contribution to religious thought.
i ask this question because my "atheist" friend the other day told me that he is much mentally free now since he left christianity.
he told me that "all" christians that he comes into contact with or knows from his religious lifetime are "miserable" and that the govt should abolish all christian groups for the sake of perserving the mental health of the people.
christians never are satisfied with their lives because they are trying to measure up to "jesus" and the apostles and will never measure up which causes many nervous breakdowns among religious people of all christian groups not just jw or mormons but many born-agains have mental breakdown as well.
Because banning a religion really works...
No. Don't ban it. It's stupid to even think that way; as though people change the way they behave or believe because of the law...
in five words or less, please give examples of statements no jehovah's witness in good standing could ever say.
here are two examples:.
Ave Maria.
Ave Satani.
Demons? I LOVE demons!
I watched Hellraiser last night...
rely on chips
wanted to poste this topic a few days ago but waited a bit ?
i?ve talked with a new friend and it was a very interesting subject to get in and i feel like to go further on it with all of you, about something different from our bases cultures that might lead to analyse every kind of relationships actually :
I think that pair-bonding is pretty much encoded in our DNA.
From the title of the thread I thought you were positing a whole new social structure that would have the California Highway Patrol as it's foundation! How exciting, the power of Panch compel you!
am i allowed to discuss to people why i belief in most of their doctrines still?
because i have noticed people always want me to believe in their stuff, can it work the other way around?
because you should be able to be on a "level playing field.
Yeah, you'll hear a lot of stuff that the WT will wish you hadn't. The question then becomes, can you still endorse them when you have learned all there is to know about them?
how sorry i was to hear from dansk-he is going through a very difficult time.. i would like all prayers, thoughts, please keep this in mind ____ for me!!!!.
the sad news he has is lymphoma!!!
they are waiting on the results of the biopsy before determining treatment..... he didnt want me to say anything at first- as he feels you all have your own problems & he didnt want to upset anyone-because he says "they are dear friends".
Good luck, friend. I hope you do well, and in your honor I will get that book out of the library and try it out...
as you know every young couple who is planning to get married in the kh are asked a question about "clean conduct" a week or two before the wedding.
if you admit to have been fooling around to much you can forget about the kh and go and get married elsewhere.. i'm not married myself, but i was engaged to be married once and my soon-to-be father in law (an elder) recommended a certain elder to do the marriage stuff in the kh because he was a kind of easy on the mantadory questions.. fortunatly in never got that far because me and my girl split up about 2 months before the planned wedding, but i have been to a lot of kh weddings and i know for sure that some of the couples had to lie to cover up their conduct to get married in the hall.. but how common is this?.
did you lie before getting maried in the kh, or do you know someone who did?.
It would make SENSE to lie, since it's none of the elders business anyway. But I would have been dumb enough to tell the truth - which is how I got diffed to begin with. It's set up to reward liars and hypocrites and punish the meek and honest...
Anyway, got married at a Justice of the Peace's office and it was pleasant.
the reason satan ran into his problems with the j-man is because he made a god of himself.
hasn't the gb done the same thing by making themselves equal to god?.
Satan gains power by perverting humanity's understanding of itself.
i'm coming up on my one year anniversary posting on this board, and wanted to say thanks to you all for everything i have learned here this past year.
you've definitely helped to make fading a little bit easier to take.
i was pretty lost when i first started posting here and this forum helped me figure out so many things and how to deal with the jws in my life.
Great to still have you around