I don't think about it very much at all, except when I fart and call it new light.
as witnesses, you are constantly bombarded with the expression,"jehovah's organization".... if we don't believe in jehovah's organization, we are doomed.
we must put faith in jehovah's organization.
jehovah's organization is the modern day "ark of survival"........these types of expressions have been drilled in the heads of jehovah's witnesses for decades.
I don't think about it very much at all, except when I fart and call it new light.
having frequented this board for about two years, i've noticed over time that, in a sense, there has come to be almost a 'religion', set of beliefs, or 'teaching' that has kind of evolved here.
there seem to be certain things that the majority, in some cases even a consensus, of members here agree on.
some examples that come to mind:.
This board sure beats working all night...
i've been lurking around this site for a while, and i must say that it has been an enormous emotional aid.
i have been inactive for about 8 months now, and recently turned in a letter of disassociation.
my wife (thankfully) has been inactive for about 3 months or more.
I think you need the blessings of Czar's Unholy Trinity - Women, Loud Music, and Tequila.
May they comfort you in your time of transition.
below is the basic view of jw towards education and in 30yrs theirs views really have not changed much- a tweak here and a tweak there, but after all is said and done you can still get a 4 yr degree from reading the awake smile
1969 "in view of the short time left, a decision to pursue a career in this system of things is not only unwise but extremely dangerous .. many young brothers and sisters were offered scholarship or employment that promised fine pay.
however, they turned them down and put spiritual interests first.
But how many times in the Awake can you bong a sixteen ounce beer, do three shots, and go to bed with two beautiful women you don't know? My four year college degree sure was a lot more fun than the Awake, I'll tell you that...
CZAR of the Bohemian Class
below is the basic view of jw towards education and in 30yrs theirs views really have not changed much- a tweak here and a tweak there, but after all is said and done you can still get a 4 yr degree from reading the awake smile
1969 "in view of the short time left, a decision to pursue a career in this system of things is not only unwise but extremely dangerous .. many young brothers and sisters were offered scholarship or employment that promised fine pay.
however, they turned them down and put spiritual interests first.
But how many times in the Awake can you bong a sixteen ounce beer, do three shots, and go to bed with two beautiful women you don't know? My four year college degree sure was a lot more fun than the Awake, I'll tell you that...
CZAR of the Bohemian Class
the watchman
This guy uses the same tactics the WT does.
I've had private email correspondence with him, and he uses the following tactics.
1) Assumption of "sole channel" priviliges, based on his own inherent righteousness. This includes the finding out and putting down of other people based on their "sins". Beware of anyone who tries to guilt you into doing anything.
2) Use of fear tactics. He actually said that I would die, certainly, at Armageddon in a nuclear fireblast. Beware of anyone who tries to intimidate you into doing anything.
3) Doubletalk. He claims that JW's are God's people, but at the same time, claims that they are going to be punished. He picks and chooses which parts of the JW doctrine he wants to keep (ie. he hates holidays) but feels divinely commissioned to restructure the entire prophetic basis of the dogma. Beware of anyone who tries to confuse you.
4) He sees himself in the Bible, as a divinely appointed watchman. Beware of anyone who has a Messianic streak.
He's done a lot of work on his slickly produced website - he's a well-read and well-educated writer. But he's wrong, and the cracks start to show when you follow his supporting links. You wind up in websites devoted to conspiracy theories, both right and left wing ravings about Masons, Globalists, and the like.
Avoid the Watchman - he's standing on the Watchtower!!!
this is a difficult thing, abuse.
its takes years for abuse victums to come to terms with the abuse.
what i don't understand is how family members can treat you as if you were the abuser.
I am Pinhead - punisher of the wicked...
Vic - it's not your fault. You need to hear that.
If your father suffers consequences for his actions, that is simply life.
Now I must go and TEAR HIS SOUL APART!!! ARGGH!
CZAR - a friend who is "not quite" Jesus
ps: Mouthy - I'd never stone you for telling people to turn to Jesus, even though I don't quite believe it. Never flinch when you say something like that.
having visited dozens of kh's over the years, i can indeed confirm that they all have the same smell about them imho.. it's not very nice either, perhaps even a little sinister is the odour that emanates from most of them.. i wonder what it is that get's up my nose so?.
because the years of farts into those cushions have accumulated.
friday, october 4, 2002. shrine to victims of tragic error.
wreaths, flags, prayers mark place where hundreds of civilians died.
seattle post-intelligencer foreign desk editor.
so let's assassinate Saddam, thereby fixing the mistake the western nations made when they put him in power. Then invade, set up a democratic government!!!!
for decades the watchtower corruption and lying corporation (hereinafter
referred to as "the cult(tm)" has successfully prevailed in court over their destruction of lives and families due to their disgusting and perverted disfellowshipping policies.
what they've done in effect is to argue that their first amendment rights must prevail, so they can then turn around and use that right to deprive all of their members of that very same right and liberty that comes with that right.
I feel like i should be doing more to destroy the watchtower. what kind of additional service can I reach out for?
Is not destroying the Watchtower truly a fine way to spend the remaining years of this old system?