JoinedPosts by thinking_ability
I'm a kiwi! From the sunny Hawkes Bay -
Hypothetical question about level/depth of talks at DC this year?
by FadeToBlack infor those of you who had to go this year and have been in for a while, how do you think someone from the 40's or even the 70's would react if they had to sit thru the 2013 dc?
for me, it was like 'land of the stupid'.
everything seemed to be presented at about a 4th grade level (my apologies in advance to 4th graders who are more advanced than adult jw's).
We haven't had our DC's yet but I think I do know what you mean. I'm only young so havent seen huge changes but I do feel they are appealing more to peoples emotion rather than logic.
And the people who are functioning at a 10th grade level are probably dying out due to the internet and science so they are left with a 4th grade majority demographic.
Another hypocrisy by the WT?
by Crazyguy inin the last year the wt has brought out that in 1918 jesus upon inspection chose the jw's to be his earthly organization and before 1918 there was no org all the way back since the death of the last apostles.
only a few anointed christians.
does this scripture not blow up that idea, of no earthly org until 1918???.
I realise the JW's think that Jesus was the foundation rock and not Peter as the Catholic church claim. Just wondering what your view was?
Another hypocrisy by the WT?
by Crazyguy inin the last year the wt has brought out that in 1918 jesus upon inspection chose the jw's to be his earthly organization and before 1918 there was no org all the way back since the death of the last apostles.
only a few anointed christians.
does this scripture not blow up that idea, of no earthly org until 1918???.
Like a physical rock?
Another hypocrisy by the WT?
by Crazyguy inin the last year the wt has brought out that in 1918 jesus upon inspection chose the jw's to be his earthly organization and before 1918 there was no org all the way back since the death of the last apostles.
only a few anointed christians.
does this scripture not blow up that idea, of no earthly org until 1918???.
Just a side Matthew, Jesus tells Peter he will be the rock on which to build the church. However as Ding mentioned it was Paul that went round setting up the "Christian" churches?? So where did Peter go and why are we listening to this Paul guy?
Crazyguy: I'm gonna give it a go when this new light is studied. In my mind it that scripture completely blows up their new light ideas but as Problemaddict said when doctrine is questionable the mindset kicks in and they will start reciting why JW's are the only true religion. Lol I just heard that since the GB are now travelling around giving zone talks that shows Jehovahs approval?? BUt its so terrible when other clergy use the church money to travel around. Oh the ridiculousness!
Bethel Brother's explanation to young mother as to WHY God would destroy children at armegeddon
by Newly Enlightened inback when we were still active in the cong.
we became friends with a young couple with 2 small kids.
they were newly baptized and wanting a better future for their kids.
Using that reasoning.........
Jehovah is the ultimate parent right? However a third (or something like that) of his spirit children turned into demons. And then theres the billions of his non-jw earthly children that are wicked ones destined for destruction. So if children are destined to turn out the way of their parents, what sort of a parent is Jehovah then?
Did reading Jwfacts help you? Please take a moment to say thanks..
by The Quiet One init seems as though so many of the stories of people who are now mentally free that i read on here involved reading at some point along the way.. he basically saved my sanity (questionable, i know!
), and was never as sensational and garish as other sites which immediately scared me away.
why not take a minute out of your day to say thanks for any difference that jwfacts made to your life, and tell us what it was that helped you?...
JWFacts was my voice of reason in the craziness. When I doubted my own reasonings and mental health (my Mother said I must be either mentally unwell or demonized for thinking the way I was) JWFacts helped my to see that for the first time I was thinking clearly. I wasn't just being swayed by emotion, I was actually looking at things logically. I could then start to trust my own mind. Which has led to my (mental) FREEDOM!! Without sounding overly dramatic, it's changed my life.
Many MANY Thanks
AAWA is here!! (The Association of Anti-Watchtower Activists)
by cedars in
facebook the association of anti-watchtower activists.
This is great!! Any ideas how we can support while still remaining 'undercover'?
Does Jehovahs Suffer From Narcissistic Personality Disorder? Lets Go Down the List:
by frankiespeakin insorry for the cut and paste but they say it better than i can.
anyway i typed in "god diagnosed with npd" and this is some of what came up..
god diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder.
You have a very smart kid! So the israelites are the true narcissists.
I guess any 'God' is just a reflection of that culture. I wonder why Yahweh was the one that survived down to this day? -
"Perfect" JWs
by Ding inas we know, jws are constantly under pressure to conform more and more to wt expectations.. i was just thinking about a sister i used to know who always came across as the perfect jw portrayed in the literature: she never missed a meeting.
she pioneered.
she always had a look of contentment.
That is my best friend to a T!! Until you get her in a relaxed one on one environment and the walls come down. She described God of the bible as an abusive boyfriend which got me thinking....and here I am now on jwn haha. We have the most amazing discussions now. She's my lifeline in the jw sea of delusion.
No one would ever guess she would say/believe such things. sometimes these people are just good actors! And havent we all been conditioned to be actors? 1.2.3....Kingdom smile everyone, we are Jehovahs happy people!