I really like this thread. It has caused me to pause and think about what forgiveness really is and what it entails. I thought I knew, but now I'm not so sure. There is nothing I can say that others on this thread haven't so eloquently already written.
To forgive (stop dwelling on the offense and stop holding it against the one who committed the wrong) is to reaffirm good will to a person with a contrite heart who acknowledges his mistake and expresses regret. Any other kind of "forgiveness seems vacuous (new word for me) and lacks real feeling.
Seems to me that JW forgiveness is like getting beaten by a parent in scenario #2 and #3 where the parent looks forward to administering the punishment.
I'll give an example of religious forgiveness. The wife and I while dating, got a bit too intimate (nothing past 2nd base). I confessed to the elders and we had a kind of JC. We were contritely sorry and ashamed of our lack of chastity. The elders gave us private reproof and said we were forgiven. They then proceeded to say that since we were no longer exemplary, we could no longer use the hall for our wedding. It ended up hurting us financially to pay for a wordly wedding hall. Did they really forgive us? I don't think so. Like you said, it was just vacuous rhetoric which is mostly what religious "forgiveness" is. A pious, conditional, coerced forgiveness that has very little to no substance when examined deeply.