Sorry to hear about such a difficult situation. All is not lost. The first thing to do is calm down. Be better than the people around you by being respectful and avoiding rage. The white hot emotional part to all this will pass. You seem to really love your wife so maybe it's time to set up boundaries and at least from your part try to avoid talking about the JW religion and ongoing news with her.
JW robots always use the apostate card to defend themselves. I was (and still am) worried about a family member being suicidal because of the way they treat df'd ones. I tried to talk about a better way to handle her at the kingdom hall with the COBE in her hall. It didn't take him long to attack my loyalty to the organization and start telling others I had apostate leanings. You can't reason with these stupid zombies. For your own sake try to temporarily ignore them and focus on other positive team oriented, constructive projects, hobbies you can do with your wife. Currently the wife and I planted a butterfly garden. We also go for short nature walks and hikes. These little things have been a great distraction from all the noise.