Their pet creation of their website has come back to bite them. I bet most JWs are thinking that they can just rely on the website to get the truth out to people. It no longer becomes imperative for them to physically go out and find people because everyone is so wired in to the internet these days.
JoinedPosts by Bonsai
We Lost Our Preaching MOJO, how do we get it back?
by skepticSam indoes anyone have any theories why our territory that's be reduced six or seven times over the last twenty years is not covered anymore?
we use to cover our area in less than six months and now nobody really keeps track of how the preaching work by territory is going.
is the advent of the mobile-literature machine why we don't see a zealous preaching spirit?
pissed off my wife today at the assembly..I asked her why the bozo GB member lett has a pinky ring.
by goingthruthemotions inso at the assembly to day that nitwit lett gave a talk....i noticed right away he had a pinky ring.
i asked my wife what was the purpose of the pinky ring?
and then asked....would jesus wear a pinky?
(Matthew 10:34-37) . . . Do not think I came to put peace upon the earth; I came to put, not peace, but a sword. For I came to cause division, with a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother . . .
I never understood this scripture. When, while on earth, did Jesus ever put a sword or a division between any family? He treated believers and non believers with respect and humility. Sure, he hated hypocritical Pharisees who should've known better. But I don't understand why the JW religion thinks that this scripture gives them permission to treat disfellowshipped ones like fecal matter, and disassociate those who don't see eye to eye with their interpretations of the bible.
Maybe Jesus was referring to the time when the Romans would attack Jerusalem. Those that wanted to stay would try to force family and friends to stay as well... maybe even using violence and the sword to keep people from leaving.
The Verdict: God is Not Good.
by cappytan innot sure if this video has been posted before here or not, but it is a powerful scene..
i haven't watched the entire movie yet, but from this scene alone, i will be..
Fukushima. Let me tell you, that was a scary time. All of us (Jdubs and worldlies alike) thought we were going to get radiated from the plants. It was not god, but the heroic efforts of men that saved us. Many went in to keep cooling down the fuel rods knowing that they had a slow, miserable death awaiting them after that.
You can blame men for positioning those plants on the seacoast. But you can't blame men for a tsunami that came and killed indiscriminately. If God had somehow intervened, imagine how many secularists would have put faith in him! Sadly, he doesn't. So it should be no surprise that Japanese people don't have the time of day for building their faith in the invisible, all powerful, inactive apathetic god - a god who tries to prove a point(that we need him) by being invisible and inaccessible during our time of need.
Guess I said more than I should have about "the truth"
by paradisebeauty ina sister came by my house today.
not to see how i was or why i have not been to meetings for the past months - she needed to borrow some money for the upcoming convention.
we chatted a little, and i cound not keep my mouth shut about some questions i have and some discoveries i made about the doctrine.
When I stopped going to meetings it shocked one of my friends to his core. I tried to be quiet about why I stopped as I wanted to play by the rules and not influence anyone's beliefs. Well, this dude just had to know why I stopped going. He was very persistent about wanting to know and he promised not to tell anyone. Not wanting to be a jerk, I told him a few simple reasons in confidence.. The dude turns around, tells the elders in his congregation, then the elders call the elders in my congregation to check up on me. Thankfully, they only came to warn me and no judicial action took place. But i feel very betrayed!
You can't trust any of them! They will rat you out without a second thought just to get a pat on the back (or a stroke) from the elders. Sick.
Reading this might be hard.. Emotionally.. This is the truth...
by Jaewook kim inevery second our watch ticks, thats frequency of our current time.
the frequency will hit our reality every 1 second.. same method for rainbow frequency.. this is where i need your scientists.
need confirmation of change on fact of time.. and this... is truth of jehovah.... under sugar water, blue light will appear on left side.. under salt water, red light will appear on right side.. this concept is same for our heart.
Did somebody slip acid into my whiskey? This thread is awesome! All this crazy has me trippin'!
Oppostate, nice poems! One picture almost sent me into an epileptic seizure though.
For some reason this thread has put me in the mood to watch Apocalypse Now.
Jehovah's witnesses owe much to the catolic church
by TheWonderofYou injehovahs witness owe the bible to the catolic church,the church was the authority that put the bible together, and jehovahs witnesses owe the name jehovah a catolic monk.
jehovash witnesses owe the catolic church the sowing of the field where they are now preaching.. otherwise after leaving the jw i got a much better understanding of christianity and the cc..
Yep. They get credit for preserving the bible through the heathen, dark ages. They also decided what order the books of the bible should be in. Its also ironic that they determined what books of the bible were inspired or not. You'll never hear a thank you from the almighty borg, though. -
Reading this might be hard.. Emotionally.. This is the truth...
by Jaewook kim inevery second our watch ticks, thats frequency of our current time.
the frequency will hit our reality every 1 second.. same method for rainbow frequency.. this is where i need your scientists.
need confirmation of change on fact of time.. and this... is truth of jehovah.... under sugar water, blue light will appear on left side.. under salt water, red light will appear on right side.. this concept is same for our heart.
Can you not perceive the will of the stones? Their variations radiate the secrets of the universe. When light travels up their fallus, the grand celestial knowledge of space and time are pulsed to those who are aware. Only to those who hold the seven candles can absorb the powers of Grom! Alas, Jaewookie my brethren, let us journey to the magical caves in the valley of the shadow to obtain these candles! -
What are you up to this summer?
by Xanthippe ini really enjoy hearing about other people's lives.
feeling a little lonely this evening so please tell me if you have plans for the summer months.
i may go to some outdoor theatre with my daughter who's home from uni; with a picnic and a bottle of wine.
I hope you enjoy some quality time with your daughter Xanthippe.
I'm going to explore the deep crevices and mountains of the places here in Japan which I haven't been to yet. Gonna get some beach time, onsen time, catch up on some books. I plan on hiking a volcano or two. Maybe I'll try to visit some bonsai masters here and pick their brains for new techniques to beautify my dwarf plants and treyscapes. Enjoy the summer everyone!
Reading this might be hard.. Emotionally.. This is the truth...
by Jaewook kim inevery second our watch ticks, thats frequency of our current time.
the frequency will hit our reality every 1 second.. same method for rainbow frequency.. this is where i need your scientists.
need confirmation of change on fact of time.. and this... is truth of jehovah.... under sugar water, blue light will appear on left side.. under salt water, red light will appear on right side.. this concept is same for our heart.
5) You need a new hobby.
6) You speaketh in a language I don't understandeth.
I think you should try writing some haikus and poetry. You just might have the knack for it.
Life after JW
by bsand20 inhaven't been on this site since fall of last year.
i was very active in spreading awareness and getting information to help me cope with the fact that my mother cut off complete communication with me as of jan 2014, but i guess too much of a good thing was too much for me to handle.
i ended up getting panic/anxiety attacks.
I go through it to a lesser extent. Forget the crap behind and move forward to your beautiful life ahead! You are gonna have a baby! That is such wonderful news. Now you have a chance to teach your child what real and unconditional love is.