The Hobo Clown? No wonder nobody's afraid of me.
type in your name and find out what your mob nick name would be..
as i sat quietly in my apartment...staring at the computer screen, i got this overwhelming feeling of being totally alone.
don't get me wrong, i feel comfortable alone.
but, how did i end up this way?
I was raised a witness from the age of 2 and I am definately a hermit. I enjoy being alone mostly because my social skills are nada. I just don't know haw to interact with groups of people. I feel uncomfortable. If I keep trying will get the hang of it someday? I don't know, but it's nice to know that I am not alone in this. Thank you!!
i was born into the witnesses in 1962, i was disfellowshiped when i was 18, because i decided to marry a catholic.
our first son was born 4 years later, and thinking i had to teach our son about god, which in it self is not a bad thought, so the only thing i new was the jw's teaching's, and yes i went back.. it took them 11 months to decide weather they would reinstate me, 11 month's of no one talking to me, no one coming to see my new baby, allways leaving befor the meeting was completely over, so as not to feel any more hurt then nessecary.
after i was reinstated i proceeded to raise our 3 children as jw's.
i've been visiting this site for about 6 months but haven't had the courage to post anything.
well here goes...... i was born and raised a jw.
although i never really enjoyed anything about the religion, i trudged along because i was afraind of losing my family, and of course afraid of being destroyed in armageddon.
i don't think any of this is really all that unusual so i'm sorry if you find it dull.
i was raised in the jw cult from birth, a third generation member to boot.
my family was full of elders, ministerial servants and overseers of all sorts.
it's snowing out right now, i love to see snow.
i just built a fire in the fireplace and my wife and i are going to enjoy the day.
life sometimes is so great.. ken p.
are there any other chronic lurkers out there?
just wondering ...
last year there was a list put together for exchanging xmas cards.
i still have my snail mail addresses and will be sending to all on the list again.
i hope that wont be a problem to anyone.
hello all, i am an exjw just trying to figure out whether this is a projw site or not.
i grew up in the cincinnati, oh area, father was (and still is) an elder.
brother died at age 20 because a blood transfusion was refused for him by the elders and he left a wife and little girl behind.