Gone for Good - thank you
Everyone else - have you actually read the book ?
If not why not ?
Because before you can give an inforned opinion on any given subject, one has to at the very least become associated with the very subject one is going to enter into a debate on.
So in fairness, if one hasn't read the book, one is not in a position to forward any opinion that would be classed as valid or worthy.
BELIEVING is irrelevent. Freedom of choice is every persons perogative.
UNDERSTANDING is everything.
FACT is we had a beginning. Religion had a beginning. Civilisation had a beginning. Money had a beginning. Politics had a beginning.
HISTORY is something which cannot be denied.
IGNORANCE is bliss for some people. Life can be condensed into a very simple ideal and life can also be very complicated for some.
NEGATIVITY is non productive.
POSITIVITY is productive.
I prefer positive to negative. bitching, whining and moaning is bitterness and a waste of ones time and energy.
I cannot understand why some people take the time to condescend and disregard other people views and opinions with total abandon. Why bother ?
There is an old saying. '' If you cannot say anything nice .... then don't say anything at all ''
thanks to everyone for their comments, greatly appreciated.
Myself personally, i do believe in God. That doesn't mean I believe and accept willy nilly everything that is dished out to me from the mouth of men, the most treacherous deceitful creation in existence. Which is why I am currently researching and seeking information on which to base my opinions and belliefs. Each one must PROVE to themselves.
Being an ex jw does not mean one has decide it is all a load of rubbish so best to believe in nothing at all. Because if that is the case, then one has nothing to worry about only to just get on and live their life how they see fit and look forward to the grave. If that suits, then fine. Works of the Flesh, works of the Spirit. NOT everyone will believe there is a God or Spirit realm, which is fine, it's their choice.
But answer me this. WHY are so many people in the world still adhering to some form of religion ? I live in a Catholic country which rules the land. Why is the Church so strong in peoples lives ? if they don't even believe or have any comprhensible knowledge of what exctly the Bible and the Word of god is. kind of confusing.
DON'T mock people for choosing to believe and being in search of truth, facts and information.
DON'T mock non-believers who don't give a care.
ALWAYS put oneslf in the shoes of another, you will never understand the road those shoes have walked nor what the person in those shoes has experienced.
Stumble around in the dark, or search in the light. It's all about choices.