Topics Started by Gig
Please inform me...
by Gig inhello friends, .
i've been away for awhile and i've not kept up w/ the wts drama...pleasent time actually.
but i've gone this far so please let me know what significant wts news, whether big change or big blunder, has happened in the last couple of months.
Unsure and Uncertain faith...
by Gig ini have to wonder...while the living word of the bible says that faith is being sure and certain of things unseen, the wts relies so heavily and is so successful promoting the "earthly-visible org".
any thoughts itching ears?
A parallel to war
by Gig indo any of you see the similarities between saddam's propaganda and the wts's?
saddam's telling everyone that iraq is winning and that it is god's will, he lies and deceives to maintain his position, and he's breaking the international laws of the geneva convention.
the wts tells everyone that they are the only ones with god's backing, they lie and deceive to maintain themselves, and they break the most fundamental laws of the bible to meet their ends.
I can't believe I'm saying this...
by Gig ini hope that saddam uses his hidden wmd's.
i hope even more that they're used ineffectively and no one gets hurt, contaminated, or killed.
but i try and imagine this guy facing the loss of it all, his own country and life included, why wouldn't he make the biggest mess he can before departure?
Progressive (fill in the blank)
by Gig init seems the wts makes frequent use of the concept of -and even the word- "progressive".
everything except the claimed "appointment" as the fds is progressively enlightened and progressively revealed.
not surprisingly the positive spin is maintained while progressively changing (don't forget willingly) no matter the previous point of (required) view.
My Disfellowshipped Window Washer Is Going Back To Meetings Because Of The
by minimus inwar....he said bible prophecies are obviously being fulfilled and since war is imminent, it's time to get back into the "truth".
he went to his first meeting last sunday.
now, all he says he has to do is stop smoking, stop his pornography addiction, stop going out with prostitutes, start reading and researching more, and evidently, he has stopped engaging in homosexuality.
by Gig ini know the wts calls anyone who leaves an apostate.
but can that label be pinned on someone who has never been a jw?
i also know the wts can do pretty much anything they want, but according to their "official policy" can i be considered an apostate after only having studied with them for a time -never baptised into the org - but found their teachings to be less than the truth and said so?
Witness memory
by Descender inhave any of you had a similar occurrence when you were a witness as this?
i was 18 years old and had taken a trip with my witness buddies to new york.
one of them had been drafted into bethel and we decided to go along to tour the place and visit new york and patterson.
The easiest to prove?
by Gig inwhat would you say is the most obvious lie the wts taught?
i'm thinking of the simplest and shortest to read and explain, and one that leaves no doubt as to the deception and dishonesty was on purpose...obviously intentional.. one example is where they changed the dimensions of the pyramid to fit their chronological math.
from one edition of their book to the next printing, on the very same page and very same language, but with different numbers.
More than a mistake: facts and fun
by Gig ina frequent destination for jw's when confronted with some wt history is the safe haven of "yes, we made some mistakes, but we were willing to change.
" of course for them this puts a nice and satisfying postive spin on a conversation going the wrong way: how admirably humble.
the simple question in response would be "if you say the end of the world will come on this date, and it doesn't, how willing do you have to be to change?