The spin on downsizing is apparently "go out into the field" yet when the GB initially considered this it MUST have been presented as a practical problem - too much surplus HR capacity/ too expensive to maintain - or whatever and yet they TURNED it into a positive matter by stressing the return to the field - all those in such discussions are clearly able to deceive themselves as much as they try and deceive the "flock" - what do you think - did a discussion on a practical problem have to have a positive outcome and how did they twist their minds so as to sell it as such - for years they begged people to stay in Bethel service (make it your home for life) and now they cast them out into the world with the thin veneer of "speedin g up the preaching work .. etc"
All those at the top must have been involved in turning this huge embarrasment (Jehovah will provide etc) into a positive spin - they should try out for a marketing award "Downsizing - the only way to grow!"